
After examining your other comments it appears your comments are generic and likely generated by a bot. If I made a mistake I apologize. I am just trying to do my best to combat the flood of spam bots.

Sir, I assure you that I am not a bot and I would not know the first thing about making a bot.

This is 100% me.

I accept your apology but I have to say, I am offended.

Regarding my first reply, it was personal with your name in it and I don't know if a bot can even do that.

Sadly, that is a very common tactic of bots and why I was suspicious. I removed the flag.

Oh I see. Well, thank you for removing the flag.

@dan can you look into my case as well? i'm not a bot, i recently saw my rep falling.

I had heard you were doing some work on this issue, thanks @dan!!