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RE: Could EOS Be The Biggest Crypto On Earth? Top 5 Reasons Why

in #eos8 years ago

Lol, tell that to IOTA, starting out with 3 Billion. And yeah, the main reason is to give as many people as possible a chance to get in on it, rather than just the first 5 days based on whoever heard about it first. Can something better be made? No. Not with people like Dan Larimer who works 25 hours a day with his team getting it up and running as fast as possible. I don't actually think thaaaat many people will hope over from eth to EOS. They're kinda different. One is for building apps like steemit, and one is for building older type's of platforms. The key here is that EOS can run on web assembly, which lots of people already know, whereas eth has a group who learnt solidity in order to code on eth. Ultimately, it doesn't even matter how good the EOS software is if they can't build a community behind it, and I think it's safe to say based on steemit, that Larimer knows a thing or two about building communities. Furthermore, EOS can build dapps that are going to go mainstream and be the facebook's and twitter's of the future where users get the value they bring to the platform, just like steemit, so I think EOS has unreal potential.


Thanks for your answer, IOTA started at 3 Billion? holy crap, didn't know this so the price tumbled after that?
So if EOS a different to ETH, which one actually has most potential in terms of mainstream adoption?
I need to read up more, but is EOS mainly for social type of networks where or wcan you think of other applications that could work on a similar basis as Steemit?
Sorry for the questions, but I am very much looking at where I want to put my investment in next.

np, no they didn't start out at 3 bill, that's just the number they're touching these days. Eth has 0 potential for mainstream adoption :). You really need to know about cryptos and where to store cryptos and a thousand other safety and security things in order to get into eth, whereas eos will be for grandmas and little kids alike