EOS Amsterdam - EOS Telegram - EOS BlockPros Summary - Sep 17-18th

in #eos6 years ago (edited)


The 17th of September

Sky Trotter
EosBake is teaming up with worbli to bring enterprise level applications onto the eos main chain. If anyone wants to take a look at our white paper and pitch deck.

Syed | bloks.io | EOS Cafe Calgary 🇨🇦
max block size in the genesis and CPU is at around 100us per TX, you can fit about 2000 in a block

Philip - EOS Detroit (eosdetroit.io)
Hey all, EOS Detroit just published The Weekly Airdrop #10, an EOS focused research report for anyone interested. Read all about it here:

Jurij Gagarin
Anybody can elaborate more on this? Dan post this in Rex channel today. What did he mean?
Daniel Larimer [Sep 16, 2018 11:42:40 PM]
EOS tokens can be transacted in a manner similar to bitcoin without the need to create an account first. A smart contract could be written that enables pay to address. Each transaction could include a small fee payable to the account which publishes it to the blockchain. This would completely solve the problem of needing an account to create an account. Best of all this can be implemented without fork.
Michael Yeates
you could create a contract and website to interact in where eos tokens are stored against a key rather than an account
so you could send tokens to a key using that contract and then someone who has the private key could then send them to someone else
a bit like a centralized exchange
Bart Wyatt
Actually, it was a thought excercise where you have a contract that almost exactly mimics the UXTO. Each entry is a value an a pubkey (so only pay to pubkey-hash at first). Each transaction would consume some UXTO entries (deleting them) and either create new ones or send a transfer to the designated EOSIO account (the offramp). The transaction is self-validating ie it has a signature in the action data that matches the pubkey and the intent to move the UXTO etc.
All that remains is an EOSIO account that pays the CPU and RAM resources necessary to process and potentially store new UXTO records. That is a cottage industry of any 3rd party "miners"
Each could choose to offer their EOSIO resources in exchange for a fee in the transaction. To do so, they would take the internally signed action (which they cannot change) and wrap it into an EOSIO transaction and push it to the chain with their own signature
The smart contract would process the UXTOs and potential offramp and then also transfer the resulting fee to whomever acted as the "miner" to get the transaction on the chain
There could be a centralized broker for the "mempool" of transactions awaiting "mining" but there could also be a decentralized p2p network (left as an excercise to the reader).

The 18th of September

Jurij Gagarin
Thank you for the technical details Bart. But, can you describe the use case for a more general audience? I believe that if this eliminates the problem of having an account to create an account that it is very important for us.
Bart Wyatt
As a tech person, probably not. But I can try. This is a version of a dApp specific "light" account which is every bit as decentralized as a full EOSIO account but has limited capabilities. The capabilities for such an account would be defined by the dApp that operates them. More specifically, this particular example of a "light" account can hold and transfer EOS tokens to/from light and full accounts.
In exchange for the limitations on capabilities, this account is cheaper. The RAM cost of such an account is probably more like 40 bytes (as opposed to the ~2.5KiB for a full account). Additionally, it allows for a fee-market instead of the staking market for resources by creating a economic role for a full account to leverage its stake-based renwable resources to earn an income.
Jurij Gagarin
is it possible to create a full account by light account? If not, i do not see it as a solution for solving the problem. The problem that only existing account can create a new account.
Bart Wyatt
I'm a little fuzzy on what "the problem" is. More than likely there are a few and i doubt there is a great solution that solves all of them. That said, the contract that operates the light accounts could offer an "offramp" that creates a full account. That contract would then be the accounts "creator". So, for instance let's say I had a game with light account support, someone could conceivably play they game and use the proceeds to create a full account.

Ryan Bethem - EOS42
As Chintai nears launch, David P from EOS42 was feeling super inspired and grateful for the community that brought this incredible project together.
He shares a short retrospective on the evolution of Chintai and how this truly special project organically sprouted from the soil of the EOS community.

Beni | LiquidEOS
https://medium.com/@eos42/the-lessons-learned-from-chintai-9535eaa4315c https://medium.com/@liquideos/liquideos-announces-eosx-on-eos-blockchain-e951f7574074

Fenix | AtticLab EOS Standby BP
Recommended tool for monitoring EOS node, resources (cpu, ram ...), alerts:

Working example in Jungle test net


with additional plugins, beta

Nazim - franceos
Hello ! franceos Tools just reached beta v0.6 :

Hot features: https://tools.franceos.fr

  • Full integration of Scatter Desktop and Scatter Mobile
  • Full french translation
    Bps Report
  • Some producers are now tagged (exchange, miningpool)
  • Account creation tool added
  • Simple permissions management tool added
    Hope you'll enjoy and feedbacks of any kind are always appreciated

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

He shares a short retrospective on the evolution of Chintai and how this truely special project organically sprouted from the soil of the EOS community.
It should be truly instead of truely.

You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

He shares a short retrospective on the evolution of Chintai and how this truely special project organically sprouted from the soil of the EOS community.
It should be truly instead of truely.