Zhao Yu@ EOSLaoMao.com makes an announcement:
“BankofStaked is online, check how to get free CPU: eoslaomao.com/bankofstaked”.
Then appear the links to live hackathon:
Ben DNA ⛏shEOS
Anyone have a contact at EOS CoChain?
This is urgent
https://eoscochain.io/bp.json doesn't seem to contain legitimate contact details
Kevin Rose - EOS New York
Ryan Bethem - EOS42
Titian proxy is voting for them. @gyom_eos_titan might know what’s up
Kedar Iyer - Everipedia - LibertyBlock talks about his proposal:
“We have proposed the first of two transactions that will be required to deploy sudo privileges to the mainnet. This transaction creates a privileged eosio.sudo account. If this transaction is approved, the next transaction can be proposed to deploy the eosio.sudo smart contract.
Instructions for validating are here:
Track progress here: