Criteria 7: Block Producer Roadmap
Answer from EOS Cannon:
Do not do evil. We believe EOS will profoundly change our life. It is so important that we will use our strength to prevent the evil things happen on EOS ecosystem.
A better EOS ecosystem needs more contribution all the time. We will use our advantage to find, incubate start up teams, to help them grow fast and quickly.
Community project timeline:
Scholar Testnet was developed in collaboration with EOS Nation, Meet.One and EOSoCal. It is a leading testnet to enable people to practice the block producing process. In the middle of April, Scholar Testnet was the first one to complete block boot process among all the community testnets.
We are doing more test, including HA test, performance test on EOS RC2. A solid infrastructure will be prepared to fit for the main launch in 1st June. And we will continue to maintain or extend the infrastructure to meet the needs of EOS main net.
We will build an incubator, to provide free site, testnet to at most ten start-up teams. Technical support and business guidance are also provided as demand.
Cannon Capital and a professional team will be established; at least 1 million EOS will be raised to find and invest high growth teams based on EOS in their early stage.
Finance and transparency:
EOS Cannon is a DAO community, which is defined by more than 2K believers. Our founders provided the initial capital for running the block producer candidates. We promise ongoing transparency on the revenue allocation and support the healthy growth of EOS ecosystem at our best.
Criteria 8: Stance on Giving Dividends to Voters
Answer from EOS Cannon:
EOS Cannon objects to giving dividends to voters at any time. We promise never to give any payment to gain voters for BP elections and worker proposals from EOS holders. EOS Cannon will respect the constitution and the decisions made by arbitrators.
Our node revenue will be allocated as follows:
20% - Community expansion and support.
40% - Retained for infrastructure, upgrade, scale and to cover the cost of maintenance team.
15% - Retained Capital. We will establish a fund pool to handle black swan. If there is no abnormality, it will be allocated to the above two parts according to their proportions.
5% - Build an incubator, to provide free site, technical support and business guidance as needed.
20% - Establish a professional investment fund team to raise EOS externally and focus on investing in growth EOS-based projects in their early stage.