Today saw the formation of a new Telegram group for members to share ideas, collaborate, network and achieve - the EOS Opportunities channel.
More on that later; first a breakdown of the quieter than usual EOS general chat. Paul Atreides offered a simple breakdown on the differences between PoW, PoS, and DPoS:
Someone from WandX stopped by to connect:
Gustavo wanted everyone to see where Dan came from:
(EOS Go recently visited Dan and to meet community demand for information, videos will begin releasing within two weeks! Stay tuned to @eosgo for details and thank you @topkpop for help with editing)
Around this time, Dan himself stopped by EOSPrice channel to talk VC funding:
Brendan Blumer tweeted at the new travel dapp on EOS:
Jesse, a new developer to the group, looked for an important tool:
Project Scatter was mentioned and Jesse got excited:
The keychains are finished:
Dan stopped in to forward a quote on a report about decentralization:
link to the report:User @johnchamberlain offered more plus a
Thomas Cox of marveled at high-flying EOS (his link):
The full EOS Korea meetup video released:
And user SP mentioned the new Telegram channel:
Over in EOS Opportunities, members began to exchange ideas and connect for projects:
Many thought of ways to contribute (logo pack link):
Urius offered a slide deck for his dapp and is looking for input (non-editable link, contact Urius in Telegram to help):
Katie offered her skill set and is also looking for help on a project:
I just wanted to drop you a big thank you for your work and daily summaries of the TG chats! I´m relatively new to the world of EOS and after selling all my coin investment from another project, that was only producing hype and hot air but no results, I´m feeling quite comfortable to have moved my funds to EOS and seeing so many talented people working on it and not just hyping the stupid masses of sheep (like the other project I believed in before). I´ll keep following your updates and videos and wanted to let you know, that I really appreciate this a lot! Thank you!
Your reply is wonderful, thank you for the support! We are very proud to be a part of EOS and feel strongly it will become the web 3.0 - a place where everyone can have an equal opportunity to make a name for themselves in a new economy. Thanks again and go EOS!
Not financial advice, But keep holding your EOS and buy more Bitcoin.
I believe bitcoin is gonna have a huge run-up in the near future, and eventually reach 33k$ by march.
Try Binance Exchange, its verification process is fast. It take only a few hours.