Key Validator: thanks to @sandwich , we can have beautiful tools built in Electron
Michael Yeates mentioned one common solution to a common issue in Developer Group
First Biggest News
A fast growing TEOS : An Alternative Command Line tools in C++
It looks like friendly to windows and has its own API
Michael Mentioned a nice growing of EOS
Dan mentioned the progress of Libc++ stl
Provide robust, peer reviewed and proven utilities
Gustavo Mick ask Dan about the progress of typescript/js to wasm of B1 team
He offers a help of kframework: which may help EOS to accelerate the progress
I am Sheldon, this is a good awesome-EOS catalog, update constantly!
EOS will be among the biggest stars of 2018.
this is great!!!
2018 is on 🙌🙌🙌
well done
+1 @sandwich
What is EOS? I must learn python and GitHub. I must become an innovator a pioneer and soar through the crypto galaxies.
but until then I am just a content creator on Steemit.
eos will never be worth more than a delicious bully stick in my mouth
Amazing post. Though I'm just a new steemian. Wouldn't mind if your next post talks about enlightenment to the newbies of the system so as to make the system captivating for us. #Anticipating