EOS Shenzhen Block Producer Report

in #eos7 years ago (edited)


email:[email protected]

Shenzhen is Asia's Silicon Valley, we aspire to become one block producer for our EOS.IO, to serve next one billion people !
We will spread knowledge and strive for EOS development by creating and operating Shenzhen community of EOS.

This post tries to answer the questions outlined by @eosgo in: https://busy.org/@eosgo/announcement-grading-criteria-for-eos-block-producers-in-march-7-report

1) Public website URL and at least one social media accountWebsite:

Website: http://eoshenzhen.io Blog on busy.org: https://busy.org/@sheldonhuang Twitter: https://twitter.com/eostechlover Chinese Weixin Public Channel: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=home&__biz=MzUyNjcwMjY3NQ==&scene=124&#wechat_redirect Chinese Blog Channel: https://www.jianshu.com/c/4e00bd2807c5

2) Links to the following ID information

A) Official block producer candidate


B) Location of company

headquarters Shenzhen, China

C) Expected location of servers

There are four professional server devices in Internet Data Center, with giant protection
Primary: Shenzhen, China
Secondary: Dongguan and other major city in Zhujiang Delta and Southern China

D) Type of servers (cloud, bare metal, etc).

We use bare metal instead of cloud server.
Current bare metal for testnet:Four server devices, servers in IDC, professional IDC, technical specs belows:
Dual Xeon, 64 Gb ram, 128 Gb SSD, 40T HardDiskProfessional bandwidth from Internet Data Center

E) Current employee list and pictures of at least 67% of staff.

Employee: Sheldon Huang

  • Active EOS Developer and EOS evangelist
  • C++ keen learner and VueJS lover
  • 2017 Huawei Global Codecraft Top 36 Final Team
  • 2017 Visa Asia Pacific Code-Competition 3rd-Runner

eosgo: https://forums.eosgo.io/profile/sheldon Github;https://github.com/sheldonhh Twitter: https://twitter.com/sheldonxiping

3) Estimate of technical specifications and total expenditure for resources by June 3, 2018

Technical Specs
We plan to upgrade the hardware and bandwidth
1、Primary Location
Block producers Primary:
Dual Xeon, 128 Gb ram, 512 Gb SSD

Full node:
Dual Xeon, 64 Gb ram , 512 Gb SSD

Storage (ipfs):
Dual Xeon, 64 Gb ram , 128 Gb SSD, 40T HardDisk, 7.2k rpm
In the Internet Data Center. with 1gps bandwidth, and it can board enough if you need, for example it need to board to 5gps even more, we can make it.

2、Secondary Location
Block producers backup
1:Dual Xeon, 128 Gb ram , 512 Gb SSD Full node & Storage
(ipfs) backup
1:Dual Xeon, 64 Gb ram, 128 Gb SSD, 40T HardDisk, 7.2k rpm
In the Internet Data Center. with 1gps bandwidth, and it can board enough if you need,
for example it need to board to 5gps even more, we can make it.

Total Expenditure
The budget is sufficient, we have other income from various investment.

4) Estimated scaling plan for hardware after June 3, 2018

Plan to use:
1, the most security Internet Data Center, three adresses at least
2, Higher configured hardware,for example 2TB RAM
3, Enough bandwidth support, the largest is 10gps

5) Community benefit project outline, only for projects expected to be public by June 3, 2018

We are support block producer supervision App which will ensure the sustainable and accountable ecosystem for all stakeholders, we believe it will be a perpetual benefit project for the community.

6) Listing of Telegram and node names for community testnet participation.

You can find in: Community Testnet telegram
Telegram: @SheldonXP https://t.me/CommunityTestnet


Great to have you as a candidate! Welcome.

Thank you Thomas, we will keep working hard to contribute to the community!