Disclosure Intent
EOS IMPERA is the brand under which we operate. Despite this, we are not a company and our machine are at this moment allocated in the Italian Republic. EOS IMPERA is an international block producer whose efforts are towards the whole global EOS Ecosystem. Our logo and brand was inspired by the Roman Empire therefore for this reason, we claim no connection about nation, politics and party. The intent of the following disclosure is to satisfy constitutional requirements of transparency and as well to define our commitment to execute the block producer activity at high standards and working always in respect of compliance thresholds.
The main intentions are aimed at the growth of the community, and the financing of non-profit projects and no-claiming of interests.
Principles of Meritocracy will serve as guidance during our activity.
EOS IMPERA’s Strategy
The spirit that moves our structure, is to promote the growth of the EOS community, our scope is to look or ear to those projects and business aimed at creation of value and growth for the EOS community and finance them without pretending any interest on funds released, dividend claims, willingness to monitor the financed projects. The purpose of the loans is solely the generation of growth and added value to the eos ecosystem keeping attention to those small actors, that in absence of such funds, would face much bigger challenges to emerge.
Given also the vacuity and the absence of regulations in this sector in which cryptocurrencies are not subject to taxation and the limits imposed by the law in force in Italy, we reserve the right to adapt our future guidelines on the subject of taxation. We are based at the moment on the dictat of the Central Regulatory Department of the Revenue Agency, with Resolution No. 72 / E of September 2, 2016 for art. 135, paragraph 1, letter a) of Directive 2006/112 / EC, it is "undisputed that the virtual currency bitcoin has no other purpose than that of a means of payment and that it is accepted for this purpose by some operators", consequently, these operations, as far as VAT is concerned, are to be classified as exempt (Article 10, paragraph 1, No. 3, Presidential Decree No. 633/72). Where bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, where EOS also falls under the legal object, are considered by the country as foreign currencies and not subject to capital gain within the limits imposed by the law itself. Furthermore, we as EOSIMPERA place ourselves as private citizens and not as a company. Responsibility on the EOS / EURO conversion act is the sole responsibility of the individual who proceeds with the conversion.
*There are three members, where Giuseppe own 100% of the entire group
Zaragast aka Giuseppe Denaro: “Co-Founder and Head of Block production, own the account “eosimperabpi”, the running machine and the management of block production, the brand, the logo”.
Valerio Tarabella: “Co-Founder and Head Graphic Design, own the website, the brand, the logo, and all official social channel.
The other participants collaborate with the structural costs and are co-participated in the measure of their efforts and against any "pact leonine", participating in gains to the extent of their participation.
Any decision out of ordinal administration, for the transparency will be shared with the community via social page like steemit, twitter, YouTube channel, telegram news page etc. The wallet name and address will be clear, and the account name of this wallet will be show into the webpage.
Furthermore, the decisions taken to release the funds for a financed project will be published
The internal members will be expelled only in the event of: treason, attempt to destroy the EOSIMPERA project, conflict of interests, disclosure of internal and secret discussions, favoritism towards a specific project, bypassing the democratic regime that prevails in the evaluation of a given project, bad faith, violence and all the episodes of illegality that the individual can put into being.