What is EOS Venezuela?

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

EOS venezuela.png

Why EOS Venezuela?

In Venezuela the promotion and adoption of blockchain and crypto is not something about investing, is more a way to get fredom and opportunities for a better future, this baucause at this time the minimum monthly salary for Venezuela is 5,550,000 VEF, which is equivalent to about 2 USD. In contrast, the money needed to buy food for a family in the month is 220,138,620.81 VEF. About 73 USD.

By the time you read this article the amounts may have varied due to a dramatic fall in the value of VEF

All this, coupled with bleed of human talent emigrating from the country's conditions, shortages of food and medicine and decline in public services seem to paint a grim picture for the future of our country.


In the midst of problems, opportunities have always found a niche to sneak into. This has not been the exception. Currently, Venezuela is one of the Latin American countries where the use of cryptocurrencies has increased exponentially year after year.

The distrust in an inflationary Bolivar and the desire of the Venezuelan to find alternatives have played a special role so that Venezuela is now considered one of the most fertile land for the Blockchain.

Our Dream

EOS Venezuela, as an organized and independent community made up of enthusiasts of blockchain technology, wants to use its position as a Block Producers in a plan to motorize a positive change in the country ** and transform the socioeconomic reality of Venezuela through EOS platform .

We believe that Latin America and especially Venezuela need to modernize to grow, fostering a new economic paradigm for a place that has practically a worthless currency and integrating itself into a labor field that has no geographical limits and with great demand for the future. The isolation that the country has is one of the causes of its crisis, for what we see on the internet, the blockchain and crypto opportunities to generate development, that is why we believe it is important to support initiatives around the adoption and expertise in these fields as a possible solution to the sorrows of the current Venezuela.

Therefore, EOS Venezuela aims to change the future of our region as follows:

Being Community Builders

A stronger community is a better niche for development and solutions, EOS Venezuela wants to be a promoter to take Blockchain technology and crypto to the people in Venezuela and Latin America. This is a mean for development and open opportunities for freedom and a better economy. We want to foster the flurish of the ecosystem through an active role, educators and promoters. Plant the seed for a bottom-up change in the society and economy of our contry.

Founding programming schools

Today anyone with access to the Internet from a smartphone, tablet or computer can learn to program, there are many code languages ​​that can be learned for different applications, and all the development of the blockchain part of the need for developers that build and use this ecosystem. We plan to start with free online initiatives. The tools exist, the task is only to take them to the hands of the people and motivate them to learn, showing the relevance of them.

On our website, the ESC (EOS Study Center) is now available, a library of videos about blockchain and EOS made by experts in the field.

In the near future, we have the plan to finance about 500 programming scholarships for children and young people.

Startup incubator

At EOS Venezuela we believe that entreprenurial ideas are important to motorize the economy, with proper advise and funding we can foster ideas to shape a better future for the region. So a fundamental step of our plan is to become an incubator centre for tech startups in Venezuela and Latin America, where we can provide knowledge, support and funding for ideas that are align with our vision of a future and development for the region.

Through selective processes we would offer tools and support for projects that are aligned with our vision. All thought online with certain face-to-face actions, so that we can cover the entire Venezuelan geography. Good ideas for the future exist in Venezuela, you only need a platform to help them become a reality.

Working together

Objectives as ambitious as those we propose, need a strong, united community that believes in the dream of being able to redesign the destiny of future Venezuelan generations towards something better. We need your experience, opinions and skills.

What skills do you possess? What ideas do you think could help us achieve our mission? We wait for you in the comments and in our contact channels;)

See you soon guys!

@eosvenezuela https://eosvenezuela.io

Do not know our ESC - EOS Study Center?. Click here

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Perfecto! Ahora sí tengo un poco más de información sobre el proyecto en referencia. Es una excelente iniciativa que se justa a las necesidades y requerimientos de los venezolanos, no solo por la situación socio-económica actual, sino porque el mundo avanza y evoluciona de la mano de la ciencia y la tecnología, y en ese sentido, todos precisamos aprender para adecuarnos a los cambios y transformaciones societarias.

Saludos y muchos éxitos...

Really like what you guys are doing!

Thanks @mattlopez, we are waiting for you in our contact channels!