There is a long held theory that social media sites were all set up by the CIA as mind control operations. I'm sure Facebook is Mossad/CIA controlled. The elephant in the room is who set up Steemit and how much of that connects to Hive.
When designing things - everything from websites to bicycles (just a couple of my old personal interests), the whole process is "is this better than that?" - every step requires a choice, a side, a decision.
When people "HODL" a crypto they are refusing to make the decision to buy or to sell, and if they always refuse to take a bet on one side or the other we end up with a totally dysfunctional system. And we are in one now.
Even doing a picture we have to decide if one colour is better than another.
dan is 100% Cybercommand qanon yes
dan larimer will come out on stage in full uniform with pompeo soon LOL
things that are never mentioned in these parts!