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RE: How should one distribute a $1 trillion dollar treasure?

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

EOS, gold they are all based on the same thing "perceived value". Gold doesn't have value because it is life saving or important. It only has value because we as human have gave it value. Just like Diamonds, at one time it was nothing more than worthless carbon. Then DeBeers stepped in, Look at it now. Besides crypto, it was one of the best investments one could make in our life times. Will these tokens be seen as having a trillion dollars in value, I guess that is up to us to decide. Golds value is intrinsic where as EOS's value is imaginary and non tangible.


Just like Diamonds, ...

hold the phone a sec here, with really good marketing, now it's all about "Chocolate Diamonds"! lol

lol, chocolate diamonds is something I too got a huge laugh at when I saw 'em.

I wish I would have bought my wife a 3 carat chocolate diamond back when they were called piece of s*it diamonds with more pieces of carbon inside than my damn muffler.

imaginary and non tangible? heres a good metaphor if a hammer is worth 5$ and a wrench is worth 5$ are the hammer and the wrench worth exactly the same? No because one is a tool you need to pound nails and the other is a tool you need to loosen or tighten bolts. Even though they are worth the same amount of money their value depends on what kind of work needs to be done. And right now speeding up, as well as standardizing dApp DEV is what is up.

Fifty years from now a hammer and a wrench will still serve the same function, where as crypto currency will not. Eventually as we evolve, our economies will become activity based -where you will get a certain amount of goods for the services you can provide. Eventually the whole idea of 'Money" will be taken out of the formula altogether. The idea of storing wealth in a digital or paper form is an archaic methodology and eventually these things will go the way of the dodo bird. FFS I cant even buy crypto currency in Canada without getting harassment from police and threats from my bank that they are going to shut my bank account down. Standardization is just a fancy word, if crypto creators haven't got the fundamentals hashed-out yet.

I agree with everything u just said here except the first sentence. Sorry the mounties are being dicks I live 45 minutes from Vancouver BC and ... well that sucks.

fifty years from now, the context of life may actually change so much that those two tools are completely irrelevant ... just like steem its completely possible that any of these old archaic tools like virgin cryptocurrencies, hammers, wrenches will be frankly, completely obsolete in 50 years

The world will be operated by one thing and one thing alone AICoin

Canada is super easy to buy crypto - just go to one of the many atm's.

If you want to get really radical, research the idea of eradicating "interest" altogether.

"harassment from police and threats from my bank that they are going to shut my bank account down". So sorry about your trouble. Sounds like they kind of 'own' you already. Not sure how you get to the idea that storing wealth digitally is 'archaic'? It sound more futuristic to most people, just like email was in 1990.

EOS value comes from its technology and real world use = value.. so its like Gold but actually does somthing..