EOS is hot, I invested, but is it better to buy on for instance Etherdelta or to take part in the distibution?
With that question in my head I started to look at EOS from another persective. You have 1 Etherium, and you want to participate in EOS, is it better to buy the EOS on Etherdelta by trading or to take part in the distribution? I did not take in consideration the difficulty in buying either way, just which is the cheapest way to turn your Etherium in to EOS. To get the right info I took the distribution history of EOS.IO, and I took the closing prices on coinmarketcap.
Here is the outcome! You can even make money with just trading EOS
Close | EOS | Etherium Paid |
1-7-2017 | 200.000.000 | 651.902,17 |
2-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 12.493,18 |
3-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 44.274,08 |
4-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 26.051,06 |
5-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 21.675,53 |
6-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 25.264,05 |
6-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 22.290,62 |
7-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 19.948,91 |
8-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 16.015,17 |
9-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 18.169,29 |
10-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 16.283,27 |
11-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 15.239,86 |
12-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 17.203,50 |
13-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 14.792,12 |
14-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 15.422,83 |
15-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 13.944,43 |
16-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 15.839,92 |
17-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 16.445,27 |
18-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 14.982,01 |
19-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 13.235,20 |
20-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 14.786,86 |
21-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 15.100,56 |
22-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 17.527,02 |
23-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 17.046,51 |
24-7-2017 | 2.000.000 | 13.920,76 |
Based on this info we have the following quantity of EOS distributed per day per Etherium
Close | ETH/EOS | EOS/ETH |
1-7-2017 | 0,003259511 | 306,7944995 |
2-7-2017 | 0,00624659 | 160,0873437 |
3-7-2017 | 0,02213704 | 45,17315775 |
4-7-2017 | 0,01302553 | 76,77230792 |
5-7-2017 | 0,010837765 | 92,2699468 |
6-7-2017 | 0,012632025 | 79,16387119 |
6-7-2017 | 0,01114531 | 89,723839 |
7-7-2017 | 0,009974455 | 100,2561042 |
8-7-2017 | 0,008007585 | 124,8815966 |
9-7-2017 | 0,009084645 | 110,0758478 |
10-7-2017 | 0,008141635 | 122,8254521 |
11-7-2017 | 0,00761993 | 131,2348014 |
12-7-2017 | 0,00860175 | 116,2554131 |
13-7-2017 | 0,00739606 | 135,2071238 |
14-7-2017 | 0,007711415 | 129,6778866 |
15-7-2017 | 0,006972215 | 143,4264434 |
16-7-2017 | 0,00791996 | 126,263264 |
17-7-2017 | 0,008222635 | 121,6155162 |
18-7-2017 | 0,007491005 | 133,4934365 |
19-7-2017 | 0,0066176 | 151,1121857 |
20-7-2017 | 0,00739343 | 135,2552198 |
21-7-2017 | 0,00755028 | 132,4454192 |
22-7-2017 | 0,00876351 | 114,1095292 |
23-7-2017 | 0,008523255 | 117,3260685 |
24-7-2017 | 0,00696038 | 143,6703169 |
That gives us the following results
Close | EOS/ETH | EOS Close | Total EOS for 1 ETH | Etherium Close |
1-7-2017 | 306,79 | $1,01 | $309,86 | $274,60 |
2-7-2017 | 160,09 | $2,71 | $433,84 | $287,99 |
3-7-2017 | 45,17 | $4,09 | $184,76 | $282,80 |
4-7-2017 | 76,77 | $3,37 | $258,72 | $273,30 |
5-7-2017 | 92,27 | $3,00 | $276,81 | $268,77 |
6-7-2017 | 79,16 | $3,36 | $265,99 | $270,55 |
6-7-2017 | 89,72 | $3,36 | $301,47 | $270,55 |
7-7-2017 | 100,26 | $2,80 | $280,72 | $245,99 |
8-7-2017 | 124,88 | $2,59 | $323,44 | $251,70 |
9-7-2017 | 110,08 | $2,29 | $252,07 | $242,14 |
10-7-2017 | 122,83 | $1,83 | $224,77 | $215,36 |
11-7-2017 | 131,23 | $1,66 | $217,85 | $197,40 |
12-7-2017 | 116,26 | $2,07 | $240,65 | $230,77 |
13-7-2017 | 135,21 | $1,74 | $235,26 | $209,73 |
14-7-2017 | 129,68 | $1,55 | $201,00 | $199,60 |
15-7-2017 | 143,43 | $1,30 | $186,45 | $170,66 |
16-7-2017 | 126,26 | $1,25 | $157,83 | $157,36 |
17-7-2017 | 121,62 | $1,54 | $187,29 | $193,42 |
18-7-2017 | 133,49 | $1,70 | $226,94 | $234,39 |
19-7-2017 | 151,11 | $1,56 | $235,74 | $199,70 |
20-7-2017 | 135,26 | $1,74 | $235,34 | $227,26 |
21-7-2017 | 132,45 | $1,82 | $241,05 | $218,31 |
22-7-2017 | 114,11 | $1,96 | $223,65 | $229,48 |
23-7-2017 | 117,33 | $1,87 | $219,40 | $225,95 |
24-7-2017 | 143,67 | $1,87 | $268,66 | $224,71 |
If you sell the same day, you have a Return on Investment of:
Total EOS for 1 ETH | Etherium Close | Percentage |
$309,86 | $274,60 | 113% |
$433,84 | $287,99 | 151% |
$184,76 | $282,80 | 65% |
$258,72 | $273,30 | 95% |
$276,81 | $268,77 | 103% |
$265,99 | $270,55 | 98% |
$301,47 | $270,55 | 111% |
$280,72 | $245,99 | 114% |
$323,44 | $251,70 | 129% |
$252,07 | $242,14 | 104% |
$224,77 | $215,36 | 104% |
$217,85 | $197,40 | 110% |
$240,65 | $230,77 | 104% |
$235,26 | $209,73 | 112% |
$201,00 | $199,60 | 101% |
$186,45 | $170,66 | 109% |
$157,83 | $157,36 | 100% |
$187,29 | $193,42 | 97% |
$226,94 | $234,39 | 97% |
$235,74 | $199,70 | 118% |
$235,34 | $227,26 | 104% |
$241,05 | $218,31 | 110% |
$223,65 | $229,48 | 97% |
$219,40 | $225,95 | 97% |
$268,66 | $224,71 | 120% |
My Conclusion
Based on this information I would be investing in EOS through the EOS distribution. As you can see, it might be even interesting to invest in the distribution and after that sell EOS in order to create more Etherium. As you can see in 18 of the 25 days your invested Etherium will bring you more EOS throughout the distribution then just by trading them.
Please keep in mind this is not an investment advise, you are responsible for your own choices.

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Your numbers dont add up, if you check with www.eosscan.com you get a way different outcome. I have been watching the ico closely. Only yesterday you would have got more eos through the ico than through buying them at bitfinex or kraken.
Dont know why but that website you are refering to is not working at the moment?
On the other hand, I used as pricepoint, like I said coinmarketcap for both the pricepoints and the Numbers of etherium spend and how many EOS was given out for it is straight from the EOS distribution website.
And Besides that I used the close point from coinmarketcap and not the high or the low because then the analysis would be 3 times as big, more complicated. You Need to take one point and stay with that.
My bad, the site link i gave you is wrong. It is http://www.eosscan.io/ Since the ico runs for 23 hours your maths is wrong. I think coinmarketcap doesnt take that into account. I tried it 3 times, i did the initial offer, day 2 and one two weeks after. Everytime i ended up with the number of EOS which is mentioned on http://www.eosscan.io/ on the respective days.
The number of EOS i TOok from the distrution website of EOS, EOS.io, that does not have anything to do with coinmarketcap and with the 23 hours. I know that the time to subscribe is 23 hours, but the quantity of eos distributed in my calculation is correct.
click here!This post received a 4.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @gindor! For more information,
i made a quick 20% profit on eos, I don't mind trading with it again, hwo much gains have you made on it?
I don't understand trading yet.. looks like you have a handle on it though ..
This post has received a 1.04 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @gindor.
I just bought EOS and let it rest