
@greenrun oww yeah, I hope he is ready to let me whoop it though because EOS will be written as the plate number and the interior will be Bitcoin designed.

@xpency, knowing @ackza, you'd probably be given the ride for a month to enjoy :)

Oh yeah, lets see, I would just have $48,000 with EOS at $20, I need EOS to be at $104 to afford a ferrari at $250,000 range.... lets see, I will increase my EOS holdings very soon however, but it sucks having to wait for legacy markets and for stocks to sell, now i have missed out on a huge price move by not having money move around fast enough, i will just go use a local bitcoin ATM if i really have to or maybe just call a dealer up to do some cash trades so i can then shapeshift into some EOS, really sucks when COinbase has these freakin Limits but i think with Bank it will be OK< I cannotwait to buy mroe EOS! I realy am missing ot by having to wait for these pain in the ass LEGACY marketand BANKNG rules where crypto lets me move money sooo much faster!

also our day will come with STEEM!

ALso we need to just buy mroe EOS its going to get higher andhigher, its sooooo cheap and theres also a lot of great things we can do to start asking for Money for our Projects and use @utopian-io to FUND ourselves a STORM of money to jsut do SIMPLE tasks like make STICKERS for STEEM and have them distributed to children i swear this willw ork

make a utopian-io proposa;l whre iu just wanna get money to buy Steem STICKERS

REDDIT only spent $500 on Marketing and it was to buy STICKERS , look it up!

So get some STEEMIT stickers (use old logo and new one i guess) i like the old logo but new ne has Green and thats african color so it might be great for nigeria and ghana the green is in your flags, and BOOM we have lift off

just make proposals like @stellabelle did or the @dash4nigeria people did , two very smart entities both got proposal funded on dash i beluve stellabelle got her media proposal funded and these nigerians look like they are gonna get THEIR proposal funded 45 Dash Too! (wow $34,568 is only 45 Dash LOL )