As people rush to use their credit cards to buy bitcoin and then to transfer bitcoin to Ethereum and then to buy into the latest whizzbang must have ICO ... they hit barriers. What are these barriers?
They are in effect barriers of hardness. Back in BBTC (before bitcoin) early pioneer JP May established a thing we call the May scale to describe the steps in hardness:
In an old FC blog post, Chris Skinner talks about why he can't use his credit card to by gold from an ATM... Also worth reading for historians is JPMay's original 3 essays on the topic of hardness, just to underscore that things happened way back then :-)
And now to the punchline - there's no Bitcoin listed, nor the others. Where would they go? Where would we like a future EOS token to go?
I think it depends who you ask. For me, someone fairly new to cryptocurrency, I think using a credit card to buy bitcoin is ok because it gets my foot in the door. I don't expect to get rich learning this technology but I don't want to miss the chance to try. Will I lose money, probably but I always get a chance to earn as well. I bought bitcoin, last september and ethereum about a month ago as well as some litecoin and so far I'm happy with my choices.
For EOS, I'm going to wait and see what things look like before I buy into it. I've started to setup a server for testing the code and will try to only buy once I've decided the code is where I need it before I should invest.
I want some EOS tokens if they ever come out with them lol
VERY NICE !!! - )))
DRAWING together the parallels of the last monetary shift in human consciousness ... to NOW !! - )) U-SING this kind of analysis, could potentially break the "BELIEF SYSTEM" ... holding back the minds, of the many ... or, at least provide some insight into the "hardness" of BELIEF -)))
i suspect as the "LargesT TransfeR of WealtH in HumaN HistorY" continues, many of the OLD iDEa SYSTEM'S ... BELIEF STRUCTURE .. will BE brought out into the light ... of COMMON SENSE ... and ... C-RUMBLE !!!!!! - ))
ha ha )))))
LOOK HOW FAR WE'VE COME !!!!!!! - ))
... B-RI(G)HT DAYS AHEAD !! - ))
greb'Z )
Hardness? Cash is king, gold is timeless and crypto is going to the moon, that's all I need to know at the moment haha
Interesting article, very helpful indeed. Following you in order to get more from you. Success.