Back on the 30th of July I exchanged a significant amount of Ethereum for EOS, and with the price shooting up the way it has, there is NO WAY I am going to lose ownership when the EOS blockchain goes live in June 2018. Now I am no expert when it comes to blockchain technology, but when there is any chance of losing money, I become one really quick (i.e. Bitcoin hardfork).
In July these ERC-20 tokens will be redeemable for native tokens on the newly launched blockchain, unless of course you don't REGISTER them.
Don't panic. It is fairly simple and straight forward.
Crypto Jack has made an excellent "How To" video to provide you step-by-step instructions on how to register and provide you some peace of mind when June 2018 comes around.

Thanks for the reminder and sharing the tutorial - Upvoted! :)
Have to get the word out!
This served as a reminder for me.. I totally forgot..
having a private and public key is enough right ? or is it already in an advanced state now ? thnx btw forthis post