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RE: Dan Larimer Cannot Censor Accounts with 51% of Hashes

in #eos7 years ago

Bitcoin has absolutely no use for me personally.

do you not earn/own money you want to hold or increase in value ?

And Generation Z wont even know what Bitcoin even was.

based on what

I get more use out of steem than any other crypto on the market. was the one of the most used and valuable sites during dotcom boom now is one website in billions

Dapps are going to be literally everything for me in the coming months. I will be working on Dapp based games.

dapps dont work at scale has been proven with ethereum issues when there are only thousands trying to use not functional at all

using a blockchain for apps is counter-intuitive and cost prohibitive

I don't see Bitcoin recovering after this down turn, mainly because it has nothing to offer. A store of Value is gold and silver if you want to be technical.

Bitcoin is a far greater value than gold or silver for many reasons main reasons being

  • Finite supply, there is an infinite abundance of gold and silver in space.

  • Fungibility, bitcoin can be divided by 8 places of equal value , with gold and silver this would be dust.

  • Utility Open source, Anything that works in other cryptos if it would benefit bitcoin can be implemented easily.

  • Security, bitcoin is currently longest running computer program in the world with the highest level of encryption yet to be penetrated.

If you know a crypto with more proven positives as this let me know and ill mention the rest
