the only way to stay out of “US” jurisdiction is to perform KYC on everyone who uses your service.
Not always true, for all common-wealth countries and The United States of America. But this has been papered over for nearly everyone for over a generation. It still exists and it works fine but you have to make it a lifestyle. Or we can continue to just go along with it and see where it keeps taking us.
Law systems were not invented out of tyranny. As they deteriorated, each step leaves remedy and a higher jurisdiction. Freedom is still there if you build a latter. It really is all voluntary contracts, but if you don't know the tricks you default into all the rules and regulations. If you don't object, you consent. It is a hustle, and as in all hustles, you have to know how to hold your ground. Regulations is why I had to leave b1 long ago.. Nothing against b1, it was a move against a system that pulls people in by default. A group as large as b1 can go into a higher jurisdictions just as as the man and woman can establish a jurisdiction above the modern "corporation." Block producer's can establish a higher jurisdiction.
This is for The United States of America, but they have the same scam going in most of the world.
The Method and the Madness January 9, 2021 By Anna Von Reitz
Sounds you are determined in keeping your vision, no matter what.
Don't you think that for the near and mid-term future the idea of total freedom without regulations in the financial side of things, is utopia?
I have the gut feel the existing financial systems needs to first collabs completely before the culture of societies can handle changes we require. My worry is though: When the financial systems collapses completely (ie the Dollar or Euro has no value anymore), some powerful centralised groups will rise resulting in even more centralisation and regulations. Unless, we try to change our own attitude towards the current culture now, which includes increase of helping eachother, and decrease the importance of earning money for ourselves. Am afraid, way to few people on planet earth are ready to take such steps.
If it is a utopia, there are people of average wealth that enjoy it today. I don't know if the majority will achieve it and make it easy for all, but it is obtainable now. So, it really does not hold up anything. The thing about freedom, it really requires low fear (just healthy fear). It is actually the fear that creates most of the prison. You will not know it either until looking back, I had to look for my own prison to find it. But to really be without fear, one needs to lean how to not trespass in these over-reaching jurisdictions; that is a lifestyle.
Agree, for those who want to be financially independent, that's possible today.
Freedom: The levels of fear need to come down a lot indeed. However, I don't see the mass being ready to do so. Crypto could support freedom, however as we are seeing, its going to be more regulated, which is a no brainer to me (not that I agree with it). When something gets to a size it starts to matter in one or the other way, the authorities (and some to more individuals of society) want inclusion.
I'm glad your persistent, I'll try to be clearer. I'm only bring it up because I see a common trap out there, one I spent a lot of time in. This an an age old trick I learned: freedom is really not about anyone else, it is about me. I'm stuck if I look externally, but I'm empowered when I look within. Externally I mostly change nothing, internally I can change anything. That may seem selfish but that is the trap, it is the opposite; when we help ourselves then we have something to offer someone else (it goes in that order though). Just bring it up just in-case that helps. I could have miss-read, but I know a lot of people like that message.
I think our views are quite the same, though you use different words. Maybe even better words than I :) Let me ask you: Do you think the mass is ready anytime soon to find that freedom in themselves?
I'm expecting the near future to be a lot worse for the world but probably just fine for many (the ones that are awake and prepared and 'autonomous'). I'm pretty sure the world is just at the beginning of a major wake up period (age of Aquarius if you will) and that the bad guys are going to play more of their cards (if not all of them). We are still in the beginning, they have a lot of cards left. The masses may not win for a long time. We really need to get as off grid as we can and hope for the best. One thing for sure, the people waking up will be much larger in numbers. So, off-grid is going to have new meaning.
Also here we are having similar thoughts :) The tipping point for change on large scale, requires current situations to become even worse. You rightly state: Lots of cards can still be played. Therefore the transition we need to go through will take considerable time. On micro level I see too many people holding on to what they know and have. COVID showed me quite a few people making the choice to be against the government based on nothing more than their 'gut' feel the government can't be right with all the lockdowns they impose. Though these people want to keep what they have, including everything the government arranged for them (public healthcare system, unemployment benefits, pension, public school systems, etc etc). These are people that are not becoming awake in my view, though on macro level it may show the group of people waking up is growing rapidly because of this. I usually think we need a few generations for large changes to happen, though we are running out of time with eg AI singularity more or less around the corner. It has to be seen what will happen coming period. Time will tell :)