The EOS crowdsale is ongoing. 2,000,000 token being sold every 23 hours for 350 periods. Today 10/27/2017 we are on period 123, average amount of donated ETH is devided by 2,000,000 to detirmine the price per EOS token in order to insure everyone gets the same price whether you buy 1 or 10,000. They have been collecting about 3,500ETH every 23 hours since period 99 or so (way more before that) or about $1,050,000USD EVERY 23hrs. The team is ahead of the scheduled road map and coming out with new innovations previously unthought of along the way.
Want to see something really awe inspiring go to this etherscan of the contract address
and just randomly click on some of the ether addresses the tokens are going to and see how many multi million dollar account holders are buying this up. That should boost your confidence a bit. Big money always seems to be buying the right thing before everyone else. Most of these accounts started buying EOS at $2.00+, go look for yourself, they are still buying more at $.50
Take your time, understand how this one works (it is structured a bit differently than all the others) and scale into your position over the next 200 or so days and if they do what they say they are successfully doing it should be as big a move as Ethereum has been. Remember you are buying ERC-20 tokens (Ethereum tokens) that represent an equal number of EOS Tokens when the platform is launched, not the actual EOS tokens even though that is what they are named. This is the reason that you have to generate a EOS account key pair and map it to the ethereum address used to store your ERC-20 tokens. This way when the EOS platform is launched, the Ethereum smart contract can look into your ETH account and count the ERC-20 Tokens and send the same amount of EOS tokens to the mapped EOS address. The ERC-20 tokens become worthless at that point.
It takes a bit to wrap your head around, just ask questions until you get it, it will be worth the learning.
EOS is building a competing smart contract platform to Ethereum and using the Ethereum platform to do it, brilliant really. Some of the smartest people just can't seem to dumb down thier explanations of how it works to a level the rest of us can comprehend. It took me a while to grasp, but now that I do, I am a really strong believer in EOS. Will be scaling in till Jun 2018. Will post more on this account explaining it as we progress and I have time.
Hope this helps?
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