Someone posted a nice link on the EOS Telegram channel that really solidified my by belief in the concept of decentralized systems. This is really a game changer in my mind. In my 15 years in the corporate world it is clear that centralization is not the path forward. There is too much greed involved. Information is put in silos. Things get ugly. The organizations that have been able to successfully partner and collaborate usually due well but a bad actor usually destroys this a some point. It would be so nice to have a global community come together for a common cause without the current organizational constraints. I like the concept of communities instead of corporations.
Check out the video:
What an Amazing Video. That video truly describes the way we all should be. The way we should live. Thank you so much for sharing. @adsactly
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This post has received a 61.16 % upvote from @boomerang thanks to: @jjcali
Excellent video, I found it very incredible. Thanks for sharing it with us.
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