EOS - News and Updates

in #eos8 years ago

EOS - News and Updates

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The initial sale of this new blockchain based digital currency which was started last June 2017 is now slowly gaining so much attention and has currently gain a marketcap of $431,828,895.00. The sale of the coin, as initially stated, will end in one year.

This approach will give those aspiring cryptocurrency holders to take part of this promising currency which aims business and corporations in automating its business processes making sure that its operation is always on the top edge in their industry.

Base on roadmap documentation, EOS is currently on its testing environment which goals is to build an application program interface (API) which will give developers a door to develop applications to test the EOS software. This API is important becauses developers needed this to build stable applications based on EOS.

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The testing of this application requires the implementation of the following:

  • Standalone node that will act as the operator to the test the blockchain and will produce blocks while exposing an Application Program Inferface (API).

  • The native contracts that will manage the blockchain's core operations. These contracts includes, managing the transfer of EOS tokens; managing locked EOS, producer election and voting; managing messages, permissions updates on contact codes.

  • Compilation of contracts to WebAssembly (WASM) which will interface the blockchain through a define application program interface (API).

  • RPC interface which is vital for both publishing and interacting test applications. This will be a simple JSON RPC over http interface that will aid developers in broadcasting queries and transactions.

  • A commandline that will facilitate the integration of the RPC to the environments build by the developers.

  • Documentation that will guide developers in creating platforms using EOS.IO blockchains.

This Phase 1 development are making the developers busy at this very moment. Hopefully will end on the Fall of 2017 which will then signal the Phase 2 of the development.

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On the other hand, there will be 2nd Annual Blockchain Conference in Washington DC this coming July 28, 2017. One of the speakers on the said conference is Brendan Blumer, the CEO of block.one which is the builder of EOS. Brendan will talk about bitcoin, etherium and the triumph of virtual currency.

This conference is sponsored by Coindesk, NewsBTC, Deloitte, Day One Investments, Ties Network, Fintech Profile, The Cointelegraph, CEX.IO, Blockchain Healthcare Review and EOS as the platinum sponsor.

More updates will be disclosed in the following days.


Eos ist the best Crypto.

What will they do with the hundreds of millions raised? I mean it's simply way more than is needed to do anything.

Its a marketcap, it belongs to hundreds and even thousands of holders.

Thank You! As always great source of knowledge :)

What you are actually buying when you purchase EOS is their ERC20 token not a finished product. They are currently coding and developing the actual platform which will then issue real EOS tokens.

But its worth it. I guess

You are buying what amounts to a promise.

I wanted to buy but I have not done it yet.

That would probably be the smart move...

Unveiling this will impact the blockchain and cryptocurrency world immensely. With a such blockchain protocol, this will really foster trading exchange and payment processing. Look forward to see all its got for developers. Great post!

Affecting the blockchain for the greater good is the aim of this development. Thanks for reading.

im bullish on EOS hope the price will reach more then 30usd end of this year

Lol 30 billion for no applications.

still beta bro they are develop the application and ether is they medium for smart contract same like NIMIQ they use ether to rise the ICO when they are fully then they convert the token to NIM

Yeah one that made no sense grammatically. Two, there is no applications on EOS right now. No users, only hype. 2 billion for all hype, yuck. 30$ eos and a 30 billion market cap is irresponsible given what they have accomplished.

Hope for the best

EOS looks very promising although there is yet to be any real-world application of it so far. But I'm looking forward to what the future brings to EOS.

That's what makes developers busy now.

What's a good wallet to store EOS in?

Try exodus

Ty, yes I heard some other p we're us