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RE: How to buy EOS - for people who have barely heard of Bitcoin or Blockchain

in #eos7 years ago

It's frustrating to realize that I've reached the stage of life where I'm the kind of old where I just can't understand this or it's just too much for my attention span.
I really want to get into Cryptos, but they definitely take a type of intelligence that's beyond me!
Learning as my brain allows, but it sucks to feel myself missing the boat.
I'm why there are complete idiot guide books & I accept this about myself, but ugh how I wish I was smart smart.
Hope y'all make bank, thrive & enjoy life!


This stuff isn't easy for anyone! Please don't feel like that. We all need a little help. As I said in the post, I have assumed a certain familiarity with web pages and other types of functionality so this guide really isn't targeted to you. The guide you need would be several times longer than this post and there is no shame in it. A lot of the people that ask me for help are fairly familiar with and can navigate web pages with the kind of functionality here. They just needed me to fill in a few blanks. I think you need some more direct support is all and many do!