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RE: Shedding some light on the EOS Token Purchase Agreement

in #eos8 years ago

I wanted to buy some EOS tokens but after seeing your post I guess I will give it a miss. I m not comfortable with the Pay and get nothing purchase agreement. I think I rather miss the profits than risk the capital. ICos are getting too hot nowadays and its a matter of time some dudes from ICos fuck all of us up. Just my 2 cents.


When one tree catches fire, it will burn down the whole forest

Which is why you should go with people that have had multiple successful ICOs a.k.a. Daniel "the Dragon" Larimer

but when one of ICO fails and other start turning bad, the mkt sentiment will be bearish and everyone will assume failure to all ICO and it will crash the mkt with it. Even the good ICO will be drag down by that. Mkt can be very irrational especially in crytocurrency space

Güzel bir paylaşım teşekkürler.