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RE: Script You Can Use for Finding the Current Price of EOS per ICO Window

in #eos8 years ago

I was concerned about this also, but then re-read #26 the FAQ to ensure that won't happen. Here's what they said: will not purchase EOS Tokens by any means;

That means, to me, they won't buy them on the market.

As to what I think... I'm amazed. I really thought the price would go down quickly and it's only been going up. It's trading around $2.50 on Bitfinex but the ICO price is less than that. How long will that arbitration happen?

My reason and logic tell me just to wait it out and buy it up cheaper in the future when the FOMO subsides a bit.

At the same time, my own FOMO is screaming, "But you might miss out and have to pay even more!"

I keep reminding myself of this:

The Stock Market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient…. Warren Buffett

But maybe this is a black swan and the ending market cap of EOS will be many billions? I don't know.


Thanks for the link.

23. Where do the proceeds from the EOS Token distribution go?
Proceeds from the EOS Token distribution will be the revenue of

I can't justify the amount of money paid for EOS to the team/company behind it. It's not even a valuation of the company, it's a direct cash payment.