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RE: EOS Tokens

in #eos8 years ago

The process was seamless for me. Not sure what to say other than to read the instructions carefully and make sure not to skip anything. Sounds like you've attempted this a few times already - but I suspect you are skipping something. Hard to say without watching you go through the process.

I suggest posting a very detailed screen shot with commentary style post. This way we can see what you missed...if anything.


Thanks, I'll try that.

I'll try this first without the screen captures...

First of all, I have confirmation that I purchased the EOS tokens with MyEtherWallet.

In MyEtherWallet I choose Contracts and choose EOS contribution and click Access. I've made sure that this info is correct.

Under Select a function, I have registered two keys I believe, which I know is a waste so I'm not sure I need to do that again? Every time I have done this I get the green banner across the bottom of the screen that says it's been verified and I might have to wait up to 3 hours but it never comes.

Under Select a function I have claimAll many times with no luck. I here to get the green banner that says the transaction has been verified.

I can see all of these transactions go through, but I still do not get my tokens: Under Token balances it is 0.

I have followed the step by step instructions many times, but I must obviously be missing something because it works for other people.

You mentioned nothing about copying the ABI / JSON Interface - did you do this?

The ABI / JSON Interface gets filled out automatically when I choose the EOS contribute option under Select Exsisting Contract, but I have also copied it from the EOS website, so yes I've done that.

I have the hash code and the block number on the date I sent it and that it was sent to the EOS Crowdsale, does this help me at all?

I finally figured it out. I didn't have enough gas! Well I spent enough to figure this out, but 90000 is was not enough gas so it never went through. All good now, I have my tokens.