I just wanted to take a second to point out that EOS / USD is getting daaaaangerously close to its ATH right meow.

I don't have time for an in depth piece of the technology of EOS, which I am very excited about and will do a separate post on later. I am kind of kicking myself, I wish I had bought more a few weeks back, but to be honest I was held back by the fact that I hadn't gotten a chance to as deep a dive into the github repo as I wanted.
Ah well, caution is the better part of valor sometimes, but that doesn't mean you don't feel like an asshole when you see the price rally 3x in as many weeks. Time flies in crypto!
Without wading into Ned/Dan politics, I view owning EOS as a hedge against my increasing STEEM stake. I really hope no one is legitimately trying to hurt the value of one vs the other, I think that in a perfect world we could have both coexist. But either way, owning EOS and STEEM I feel will have a tendency to hedge themselves over the long term.
I'm not sure I want to add more at these prices, just probably gonna let the bots take it from here.
What do you think? Is the Cat Out of the Proverbial Bag with STEEM???
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ps: i apologize for the whole right meow thing, but with 4/20 going by I've been on a real broken lizard kick...
You kno what I'm sayin?pps: also, i'm doing a new thing where i'm not gonna self-vote my shit for a while (i'll wait until few days after posting maybe, i dunno), after thinking about it, that gives you all a better chance to earn curation rewards from this post, and while it slightly debases the curation rewards I might earn from this post, I think it might incentivize more ppl to vote if they know my 20k SP vote is coming down the pipe at some point... you're basically front running my vote, and hopefully the votes of other dolphins (maybe even some whales) who gotta have this @marketstack goodness and add their votes on top of yours....
i should have bought more eos...but i did it less..
anyway eos come to the sky.
same here, trading is deeply frustrating in that way... every day you make money, you could have made more and everyday you lose money you feel like you never should have lost money in the first place LOL
I've been always curious about you. This feels like a call of approaching inflection, thouh i don't understand many things and acronyms.
which ones don't you understand? sorry, its hard to write for every level of understanding, but if you ask specific questions i'm definitely open to answering them!
Thanks for replying. I believe i can better understand you as time goes by. Would you tell me just one thing this time? "G to the F-ing D," what does it mean?
Hahah.. it's G0D 2 d fck1ng D@m, but it's better to censor these :-)
Yes, I purposely mis-spelt them.
You're welcome.
Oh, thanks! It's fun to learn more colloquial or slang expressions as an English-as-a-second-language speaker. :-)
hola @marketstack, no manejo mucho lo de la criptomonedas... pero con tus publicaciones voy adquiriendo conocimiento.... gracias
todo bien don't hesitate to ask questions if something seems new or unfamiliar
Sold most of my EOS just before the airdrop thinking it was just a pump like all the other airdrops/forks, fooled me.
understandable... one hell of a head fake to start the year in eos...
i'd like to see steem get the same kind of bounce, consider its actually functional and not local testnet LOL
I won't say no to that. I think I remember steem getting up to $8 when everything else was pumping, we are halfway back, maybe we'll get above $10 soon, wouldn't that be nice?
amen to that
A great posting!!!
I'm voting for you & thank you for your vote on most of my postings!!!
Keep in touch.
likewise, thanks!
It's always good to have more options. EOS is going to create that.
Followed you! Thank you @marketstack for sharing this!
Thanks @marketstack, I see EOS hitting $50 in less than no time. What I am observing in the chart FA is all bullish.
hope so!
Hope EOS will hit 100 in some months
Woow! Nice information... @marketstack
posting is very meaningful to understand, I really like @marketstack
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Dear after that day i follow your every post. This is my commitment. cryptocurrency including informative post.
안녕하세요 👍
Thanks so much
it's very great father @marketstack and very good information I am very mrnyukai its this, and I will share this post father / resteem
Dan must be doing something really good with EOS to be flying to the sky with it (did I use that term correctly? :-P ). I guess it's a good thing -- or not -- that I don't succumb to fomo easily. I still am very skeptical of altcoins in general -- this Simpson GIF keeps playing in my mind every time I think of them: https://giphy.com/gifs/simpsons-cryptocurrency-bitcoin-RdZJKKyXVMb5DOD024
lol thnx!