Yes, friends, yes! You read the above image correctly. Free EOS stickers, fresh off of the press from Consensus 2017 for all!!! Well, kind of, but not really. I can't send stickers to EVERYONE despite how much I'd like to do that. Why? I don't have thousands on hand, sadly. And stuffing that many envelopes would probably get old pretty quickly. And licking that many stamps would probably disintegrate my tongue, which would result not only in extreme pain for me, but also a weird bloody stamped envelope with an EOS sticker inside of it. Yeah . . .
As many of you know, I was lucky enough to attend this year's Consensus conference as an EOS ambassador along with @robrigo and @wakeupjohnny in tow. All in all, it was an amazing time. It was humbling to be in the presence of so many extremely intelligent, innovative, disruptive, progressive, insanely brilliant, absolutely genius minds all under the same roof. I had the chance to put a face to so many names here on Steem and everyone that I met was just as cool as I imagined and so much more. I want to do it again! And again. (and yeah, again, like a lot more times, until I die, and even in the afterlife)
So Monday morning, we all went and registered, got our badges, headed to the EOS room and suited up with some really sweet, futuristic-looking EOS shirts that look even sweeter if you have your picture taken in it with flash (the EOS "Chestahedron," symbol POPS!). After we had our EOS makeover, we snatched up a fat stack of EOS pamphlets and an assortment of stickers. From there, we roamed each and every floor & room, chatting people up, explaining the lay of the EOS land, the implications of this new tech in action, how crazy and mind blowing it's going to be, and how it's pretty much on par with the "One Ring," from The Lord of The Rings because it is about to rule them ALL. Like, every single one of them. "Them," being each and every other blockchain in existence or that has ever been thought of up until this point in time. EOS is some next level shit, hands down. Pardon my language but it's necessary. The crypto-world is in for a straight up buffet of treats of the tastiest variety.
We repeated that for every day of the conference, blowing countless minds, making so many new connections, getting offered about 50^999 jobs, but most importantly of all, we fought the good fight. We educated the masses as much as humanly possible on EOS and why if they aren't down with it, they're about to be on the losing side of history because this is one serious game changer. It's yet another graphene revolution. But this time, it's bigger, it's meaner, more ambitious, and it has some razor sharp teeth. It's out for blood and it's going to get it, all of it. It means business and business is about to be really damn good.
After exhausting ourselves over the days, I found myself with a surplus of stickers of all three varieties, which you can see below. From left to right, you have:
- Silver (12 TOTAL)
- White (4 TOTAL)
- Black (12 TOTAL)
NOTE: You can right click these images and click "View Image," to see them at a higher resolution (2160 x 1440).

I actually prefer to neatly cut around the Chestahedron (that's what the shape is called in sacred geometry) and stick it on stuff, like my laptop! Gotta have one on your laptop otherwise you're completely blowing it. Here's what it looks like in action:

Don't judge me, my laptop has been around the block a time or two and around the world several times. I've been building on this chassis, swapping out the guts for more modern things as they come out for around 4 years now, she's actually quite the beast! I'm actually in the market for like . . . 2 screws, because I lost them.
So anyways, finally, to the whole point of this post!
You don't have to pay for an envelope or even postage, as I'm sure the beauty of this platform will kick in and the post payout will cover all of that for us. Pretty cool, eh? So if you could, I'd appreciate it if you could upvote this post and resteem it to help cover envelopes, postage, and the time I'm going to have to put into this. But then again, you don't really have to if you don't want to, just a suggestion :-).
private message on one of the aforementioned chat platforms containing your mailing address as it should be written on an envelope, especially if you are outside of the USA.To get a sticker, you have to first claim which one you want (white, silver, or black) by replying to this thread and then send a message to me (I'm Matt A ) in the EOS Telegram chat ( http://eos.io/chat/ ) or on http://steemit.chat/ (I'm @matt_a in there) with your mailing information, your username here on Steemit, and a reminder of which color you picked. Since I'm anticipating that this is probably going to have quite a lot of responses, I will likely only be acknowledging the posts by people who clearly state WHICH sticker they want and that they have indeed sent me a message on telegram with their information. You have to send me a
I will be updating a list below of who has successfully claimed a sticker and which one they have claimed. I will also have another list that tracks how many of each respective sticker is left. If you request a sticker with 0 remaining, I will likely ignore the request until you choose one that's available since I will be staying on top of updating the current availability of each color.
So what are you waiting for?! Pick a sticker, post a comment, and send me a message!!!
Stickers Remaining:
Updated: 06-01-17 01:24 PM ESTSilver: 10
Black: 1
Confirmed & Complete:
Black: @kyle.anderson, @clevercreator @kevinternet, @nepd, @clayop, @tincho @lukestokes, @rangertx, @robertdurst10, @drpuffnstuff, @kennycrane, @meesterboom, @nicnas, @pnc, @andu, @team101, @jacobts
Please upvote and resteem to help me fund my sticker spreading efforts! Thank you very much for your support and for reading!!!
SIDE NOTE: My wife @kotturinn has a small stack of these stickers as well and will be doing something similar to this post so that we can spread more around for free and to distribute the workload of getting all of these out! Be sure to follow her , she's always posting cool stuff and is very responsive. She'll probably follow you back, even. Thanks for reading, folks!
I do have a tiny little stack of those stickers, and I am going to give out a few of them on Golos and on here, so keep an eye out for when @matt-a runs out of his pile haha
You sure you just don't wanna take over now and fix up all these letters, buy stamps, coordinate everything, etc?!
Yeah, I can do that too haha
My tiny vote just pushed that over another $2 now for you.
I do not have a Telegram acct, so many slacks and this and thats, it is endless.
I did not know you were there man, you were with Sommer!
I did a nice post to help her out last week which was my 3rd ever post to make $100 on here and it was whale flagged by 7 accounts of you know who, down to nothing for trying to help her out and welcome her to the platform.
You are a good man Matt!!
Thanks, man! Much appreciated, that's 4 stamps! haha. Who's Sommer?
I feel your pain on the whale flag bullshit, I've had it happen a couple times for absolutely NO reason, it's extremely lame . . .
Yes, we should get your farty cat on that flag issue stat!
I have loved chatting here with your wife, she is fun man.
Shucks. I'm late. Will have to make my own. But cool of you to give out some real ones. Good Luck Matt!
You aren't late, man! You have plenty of time. I'm not shipping them until they're all gone. I'm a bit over half way at this point. Most black stickers are gone, all white are gone, but there are plenty of silvers left. Shoot me a message on telegram or steemit.chat to claim yours! Just choose a color and give me your mailing address :-).
nice....rs and upvote for you
Thanks a lot! You're helping.
u r welcome...l glad to help....will always support your posts...
All your stickers are belong to us! Thanks for being you.
And the laptop rocks... I have yet to be able to do that to mine, but my walls are plastered. It was worse when I was attending AAAS conferences. I was even taping my favorite discussion notes up.
They're a little over half way are belong to y'all! haha You're welcome!
Every laptop I ever own eventually gets fully covered up in stickers, always!!!
Also, you said that you wanted silver, correct?
Yes please and thank you!!! I sent a few messages out too. :) so you should be done today ;)
That's awesome, thank you very much! So kind of ya.
I will do my part!!!
I'd love a black one!
Envelope filled out and ready to set sail! Thanks for making that easy for me haha. Enjoy it!
Sweet! Thank you!
Most welcome!
Will love the black one. Thks
Please actually read the post to find out what you need to do to get a sticker. I don't have any of your information . . .
I would love a black one! Thanks
I can't send anything if I don't have an address or anything :-/.
I'm so sorry. I guess I had a senior moment. At 80 yrs. young they are coming closer together now days. Thank you again!
Ouch! You don't want to post your address publicly like that!!!
I'll write it down right now, but please edit that out for your own safety.
I also need your name for the envelope.
I will get it just as you have it. Thanks
You're welcome :-).
I connected on telegram wanting to learn eos
I would love one. Black would be sick.
Read the post. It tells you everything that you need to know.
I was making a joke. I appreciate the giveaway. Thank You!!!
Well, you can get one if you want one, just didn't receive any info from ya. Instructions are near the end of the post.
Got ya covered! Just need a last name for the envelope. Sent you a message on telegram.
I'd love a white sticker please!
I don't see a message from ya?
EDIT: Scratch that, I see it now! You got it!
I sent a few on Telegram chat... perhaps I'm doing it wrong? (Just sent a test)
I gotcha!
Absolutely would like a white one. It'll look bangin' on the rear windshield of my white e350!
Gotcha covered, man! Envelope is filled out and ready to go. Thanks for making that simple for me.
Great! I would love a black one. I just sent you a message on telegram. hope that was you and I didn't send some random guy my address... Thanks!
What's your username on there? I don't see any messages from anyone saying they're you. Lots of people not reading the post and it's making it take a lot longer :-/.
EDIT: Got you sorted out! Black one in the books, envelope ready to go! Thanks for participating.
I want in! A black one.
Can I use the rocket chat?
I can't put an app on this computer,...
Sure thing, man. Send away! I'm Matt_A on there.
Surprise me!
Can't suprise ya if I don't know anything about you :-/. Please read the thread.
Cor blimey, a black one would be smashing. Of course I insist on my evermore being a bloodied mess as promised ;0)
I don't have a message from ya on telegram :-/. Be sure to include username and all that please, lotsa folks rolling in and I'm having to skip over some mystery people.
EDIT: Got ya all settled!
Hurrah for the settled!!
Woot woot!! :0)
Would really like a sliver one - would be happy with any one.
Sent a telegram message.
And a silver one is yours!
Awesome! Hope you don't think I want the 'less informed' to fail
Well, it sounded like you were coming from the stance of "they deserve it." Haven't had a chance to read your reply to my last comment if you left one but will get around to it as soon as I play catch up.
More of a "if you don't exercise due diligence with your money, that is your responsibility."
Aaaaand you are in the books! Envelope ready to roll. Thanks for making that easy!
I'm from Europe, but hope to have an EOS sticker one day.
You're in luck, because I don't mind to cover it for ya. Shoot me a message on telegram with your username and mailing address as it should appear on an envelope from the states and I'll get you one over there across the sea! Also please include what color you want.
I am waiting for you to respond in telegram to make sure its you before I give you my address haha. I hope I'm not too late. But thanks for hooking it up. and being a good steemit ambassador!
Got it! You're all set!
You've got yourself a fancy black sticker incoming, just waiting on your address on telegram ;-). Thanks for the kind words, been doin' my best. I want to see this place flourish as well as EOS when it launches. So many good projects!
Its so cool that you got to go to Consensus and see Dan give the EOS launch speech! I would love a black sticker if you have any left. I sent my info via private message on Telegram. Thanks for the consideration!
Gotcha covered, man! You got yourself a black sticker incoming!
Oh wow, that's great news, thanks!
You're very welcome, thanks for participating.
Those stickers look awesome :D
That's because they are! Get one of 'em. Plenty left, dude!
My friend, excellent that you enjoyed the Consensus, I am also quite excited about EOS and I think it can change the rules of the game.
I'm from Argentina, and I find it difficult to send the stickers to me here, so I do not participate. Also, I do not have a telegram account. But I will spread your post so others can participate. Have a great sunday!
I'll check really quick to see how much it would cost to send an envelope to Argentina. Chances are, it's not very much and since the post has already made a decent amount, it is no issue! Can you give me the city name in Argentina so that I can look up prices? Also, thanks for sharing, it's appreciated very much!
Nooo matt! Thanks my friend, I really appreciate it! But it is not necessary. When EOS conquer the world, I'm going to buy a sticker and I'll show it to you. Thanks for the good attitude!
I just checked and it's only roughly $1.25 USD! Not bad at all. I really don't mind to send you one if you'd like one. This post is up to $121 USD right now so there's plenty to ship internationally :-). Using the funds from the post was the idea anyways. Thank you for havin a good attitude. that's commendable!
Sorry for not replying before, I had a few busy days. If you still have stickers available, I send you my data to telegram, but I will pay you the shipping. Thank you my friend. Now I'm writing you to telegram.
White please. Thanks Matt.
Gotcha covered!!! Thanks!
Dips? I'm in asia though.. silver or large one as top preference, but any would do ;)
No worries! I can send these anywhere in the world. To send to Asia, I think that it only costs about $1.50 USD. This post has made over $100 USD so covering everyone's shipping isn't an issue at all. If you want one, just send me your address in a private message on telegram and you've got your pick of white, silver, or black!
White please! :)
Gotcha all squared away, thanks for participating!
they look awesome!
That's because they are haha. Get one of them!
Just throwing my HUGE upvote your way as usual LOL! Hey its the thought that counts lol.
Pfft, come on now, man! I really don't care about getting upvotes that much, but of course I do like getting them of any magnitude! It is the thought that counts, thanks man! Much appreciated! Are you trying to get one of these? Regardless of that answer, could you resteem this post? I still have like half of these left! Gotta get the word out more or else I'm just going to smear them all over my car, EVERY SINGLE ONE, and look like a lunatic. I could maybe get away with being a sane, but weird, Sacred Geometry teacher though . . .
I am upvoting but i live to far so this is a mision inposible . I hope EOS will do good and i will do good . Maybe someday i will visit such a conference also :)
I am shipping worldwide :-). The post rewards are good enough for me to cover the couple dollars to send a sticker anywhere in the world, pretty cool! So if you want one, you might want to hurry and claim one!!! Also thank you very much for the upvote, it helps cover the envelops, shipping, and time!
So how to say where? In chat or ?
Yeah, post what color you want (all white are gone) here and then message me your address and username on telegram or steemit.chat.
Ok i send you pm in steem.chat
Cool, my name is matt_a in there.
Oh I'd love a black one @matt-a. Pinged you on Telegram.
Got you fully covered, thanks!
Cool... you send me one in Estonia :)
If some still disposable, can I have one silver ? :)
awesome. i love stickers.
some telegram EOS stickers would be nice too
We need more stickers!