EOS BPs Starting to Look Like the EU Leadership

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

Currently Un-elected Technocrats, that are questionably capable of their own jobs, deciding what is best for the majority without yet having much courage or 'Skin in the Game'.

When are you going to ask the token holders for their opinion or do you all just know whats best for us?


Its officially turning into a shit-show and many are not happy. Most of the "bugs" they are pointing out have either already been addressed, or are not even bugs at all...such as This. Windows has been out for 25+ years and they still release patches and bug fixes all the time.

Below is a list published HERE of the Go - NoGo results from last night. I know who I won't be voting for.

Token Holder
11 points
13 hours ago
Here is the 2nd vote results


Sorted. Deduplicated. Only one vote per BP. Non-BPs removed.

1 Aaron (Greymass) : go

1 Albert-EosThu : go

1 Alex - EOS SOCAL : Go

-1 Ben SHEOS : no go

1 Block Lord l EOSindia : Go

1 Bo - eos silicon valley : Go

1 Buddy Deck - EOS New York : go

1 Celu - Blockgenic : go

1 Craig@BlockSmith : go

1 DS Lim - EOSeoul : GO

1 Dafeng EOS Asia : Go

-1 Douglas Horn | EOSAmericas : No go

1 EOS42 & EOS New York : Go (EOS42)

1 EOSWenzhou : go

1 Edgar@EOS Costa Rica : GO

-1 Eric - sw/eden : no go

1 Gordo - HelloEOS : go

-1 Greg | EOSsxsw : NO GO

1 Hank@EOS Palliums : go

-1 Hugo - EOS SV : No go

-1 Igor Lins e Silva - EOS Rio : no go

-1 Issay Tseng@OracleChain : NO GO

1 J.T. - EOS The World : no go

1 Jacky - JEDA : GOOO

1 James Sutherland - Cypherglass : Go

1 Jason-EOS Pacific : go

1 Jialin@EOS WTZ : GO

1 Jorge@EOSMetal : go

1 Joshua Qiu@EOSeco : GO

1 Lievin - EOSYS : Go

-1 Luis Fernando EOSMESOdotio : No go

1 Marc-Antoine Ross EOS Canada : GO

1 Marshall - SaltBlock : Go

1 Nate D - Aloha EOS : GO

1 Nathan (GenerEOS) : go

1 Norsefire EOS Singapore : Go

1 Pascal | EOS Network : GO

1 Patrick Hajek eosarmy : go

-1 Pete @ Block Matrix : no go

-1 Ravi (BlockPro) : NO GO

-1 Ricardo-EOSBrazil : no go

1 Rob - Worbli : go

1 Rob Konsdorf - EOS Detroit : go

1 Rohan - EOS Authority : Go

-1 Roman CryptoLions : no go

1 Ross (EOSphere) : GO!

1 Sebastian Castro - EOS Argentina : GO!

1 Sharif - EOS Dublin : Go

1 Swandoyo@EOS Cafe Calgary : GO!

1 Tim Ogilvie - Staked : GO

-1 Timothy Lewis - LibertyBlock : no go

1 Tulip conf : blockeos.io - GO

1 [email protected] : EOS LAWYER - GO

1 Yasong “matt” Shi UnlimitedEOS : GO!!

1 Yves La Rose - EOS Nation : go

-1 Yvonne@eoshenzhen : NO GO

1 ZhaoYu - EosLaoMao : go

-1 deadlock - EOSIO.SG : no go

1 fun@eosmedi : GO

-1 [email protected] : NO GO

-7 jem proxy BP2 EOSPH hkeos eoskh Acro Tribes eosviet : NO GO

1 lemosn@EosLaoMao : go

1 nick- Eos.Fish : Go

-1 phil | EOS Switzerland : NO GO

1 [email protected] : Go

1 [email protected] : GO

1 simon EOS Store : GO

1 tmuskal @ LiquidEOS : no go

1 tokenpocket EOSUNION : GO

1 wajid malik - Bitspace : Go

1 winlin-EOSBIXIN : go

1 zformular@EOSBepal : Go

1 zhengyu@infinitystones - EOS Danhua : go

Sum through python:

[1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -7, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

73 votes, 1 is GO, -1 is NO GO

Sum: 31

Go: 52

No go: 21

52 / 73.0 -> 71.2%

21 / 73.0 -> 28.8%


...and we're now waiting for?

That's a very good question. I'm not even sure why the unelected BPs have a say.

I read that Dan intervened yesterday and suggested we get the show on the road and fix in live. There will be weekly bug fixes and they’ve had nearly a week to sort it out. Hopefully tonight we will see a go, then the token holders can decide how things work moving forward.

Yeah, I saw something similar. I think people are tripping over their egos at this point.

We now have go live for tomorrow so lets hope all this is in the past.

This situation is becoming surrealist indeed. After 1 year of token distribution and created expectatives this is really a shame...
I hope all this shit is happening for the sake of the Blockchain stability and not for speculation only...
At this stage anything can happen now...

It looks like they may get it sorted out with today's vote, but who knows...its frustrating to watch.

BTW, I know you used to be a great supporter of Larimer's Sons... What is your opinion about BITSHARES?
I didn't read any post about BTS from you since long... :-(

I personally like BTS, but they will have more decentralized competition and the pile of money they have for worker proposals (Millions and Millions of Dollars) doesn't get used and the Block Producers seem lazy. I'm starting to think they will be out-innovated very quickly. The problem isn't the technology, its the apparent lack of leadership.

I'm also starting to think the same thing about Steemit. I've been on the platform for 7 months now and not much has changed. We still don't have a mobile App or SMTs and they were supposed to be launched in 2017...

I understand what you feel...I cannot understand why STEEM is not launching the bloody SMT right now in order to compete with his brother EOS...after almost one year of development it should be more than ready... STEEM itself took less time to be launched...and you are right, the lack of leadership is evident in any of the three unless they (BTS STEEM and EOS) are planned to move together...but also, sometimes I think that the three cannot survive because, essentially they can do exactly the same, just faster in the case of EOS
This uncertainty is killing us...
Will see...
Thanks and...steem on?

Steem 2.0 on? If its backed by EOS...I'm in a good spot :-) I'm almost all-in on EOS

hahahhahha! hopefully...
You know what... I don't think we have to be frustrated... I cannot forget all the profits I get here with steem and also with Bitshares... We have to keep calm and keep working, informing us and enjoying the the godness (if any ;-)) of the three platforms...and then, do our movements at the right time.

Agreed, what’s more frustrating is the fact that the “bug” EOSHK presented turned out to be user error. I get that people make mistakes, but this group is meant to be an elite swat team who are starting a chain that will potentially change how users interact with a blockchain forever.

This is not the kind of experience we need for a multi-billion​ dollar chain in my opinion.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold