Thank you for writing these comprehensive instructions (and the software), much appreciated!
I am unfortunately running into some problems which I have not been able to resolve with a fair bit of effort.
I installed Scatter into Chrome and imported the private EOS key, the correct account name and public key appeared automatically as expected, but I cannot find the (chain id: aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906) anywhere to confirm.
And when I try to create an account in your EOS Toolkit, it apparently imports the correct names into the 'Scatter Integration' section and the 'Create Account' section, but I receive the error message: " Transaction failed. Incorrect scatter account - please review chain id, network, and account name."
Any idea what I'm missing?
Thanks again, Mik
I think I have figured it out: The identity in Scatter needs to be @active (instead of @owner)