I am aware of the tradeoffs. And I think they are worth it. Every developer building their own account management system that makes sense is going to end up in alot of people loosing their stuff... these services need to be built into the network.
Also I have no interest in the techinolgy from the payments and finance point of view. Even if it was less secure as you say ( and I'm sure smarter people than I am can comment on that point) this would not be a problem.
Well yes and no. The point where people lose their stuff is because of the security offered by Ethereum/BTC. If there is a system that allows for account recovery and transaction reversal, you have fundamentally reduced the security. That might be a worthy tradeoff but it is less secure. That is the reason that you can't recover lost keys.
Not transaction reversal. As I understant the transaction is not final intil the time delay expires. The intent is still immutable. Once the timedelay has passed an the intent becomes transaction that is also immutable.
Time delay or not the transaction has no sense of finality when using that.
Again it is a tradeoff. Not necessarily a bad thing.
Agreed. Its just a different way to look at things. ETH and EOS will likley have different targets.