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RE: EOS - "Ethereum Killer?" Near All-Time Lows Overnight - $1.20 Amid Kraken EOS/USD Delisting - Coins Worth Taking Risks On #6 - Diversify Your BTC At This All-Time High

in #eos8 years ago


You can buy EOS at -

EOS token is on FIRE - in route to $2500.00 USD after ICO ~! How to buy (outside of ICO) and store EOS with no questions asked!


I've noticed that most every single recommendation you make calls for a minimum of 100x gain.

You realize you're going to be wrong on almost every one, right? I'm sorry to say it makes you look naively optimistic or a pumper/dumper. I don't think you're the latter, just enthusiastic.

I think you should just delete one zero from any prediction you want to make, for public consumption at least.

You could very well end up being right, but that will probably mean the dollar has lost significant value, ie the denominator is not the same, so it's not a fair comparison. To most people that don't understand (hyper)inflation and seigniorage, it just sounds crazy.

Hi @lexiconical and thanks for your feedback (I appreciate it).

First I just want to say that I am not a "pumper/dumper". I fully advocate BitShares, Steemit and well, we will see about EOS.

Bitshares is THE most technologically advanced decentralized exchange and blockchain which exists today.

The only problem is that Bitshares suffers because its not 'popular' like Ethereum.

People need to get excited about Bitshares and talk more about, and not in boring terms. (And maybe help develop and more user friendly look to it.)

There's nothing wrong with me, or anyone else, writing good things about BitShares, Steemit and EOS (I haven't even written about other altcoins).

Lastly, I've read some of your posts and your technical-analysis.

My first question - What makes technical-analysis (not yours specifically) so significantly great when it more often than not proves to be worthless?

My second question - Have you every heard of the Efficient market hypothesis and do you consider it to be a naive viewpoint or do you have other thoughts on it?

Hi nandibear,

I'm going to reply to you more thoroughly as soon as time permits.

But I do think TA is mostly nonsense. It only kind of works because other traders think it does. A bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Other than trying to locate broad buying and selling regions, I consider it a source, but a dubious one.

My only real point to you is that I think your number estimates are wildly optimistic enough to the point where it may undercut your credibility. Otherwise, you seem quite reasoned. I enjoy your comments.

Hey @lexiconical I appreciate your helpful feedback regarding my writings and being wildly optimistic. Also thanks for your other kind remarks.

It's all true, I appreciate your replies. Tried to respond to your EMH question - in short, it's kind of a joke, isn't it?

Hi nandibear,

This may not be as thorough a response as you'd like, but yes, I'm quite familiar with the EMH. It's total bullshit. In fact, most modern economics is total bullshit (I have a graduate degree in econ).

Basically every single thing they teach you in economics is "ceteris parabis" or "all else equal", which is basically like EMH.

The market is demonstrably not efficient in practice, and even in perfect theory with perfectly rational actors and no collusion or cheating, I doubt it would be "perfectly efficient".

The idea that all market participants would have all information all the time and act perfectly rationally on it is straight up asinine.

The very fact Bitconnect still has a value is proof of this.