The EOS ICO is fast approaching.
About 2 days left until the Token Distribution. If you are in the U.S. you will see this..
There is no law or special reason for the blocking of U.S. IP addresses, but they companies choose to do it as a precaution. You can still participate in the sale as there is no way to determine source IP address from a blockchain transaction. In this post I will tell you exactly how to do it using Amazon AWS.
Log into
Go to EC2 (Elastic Cloud Compute)
Select a non-US area in the top right of the page
Click "Launch Instance" and select the Ubuntu image
Click "Review and Launch" (everything should pretty much be configured)
Select "Create new keypair" then download the newly created key
In terminal
chmod 0400 ~/Downloads/keyname.pem
(replace keyname with the actual filename)Get the EC2 instance's IP
Setup the proxy
ssh -i ~/Downloads/keyname.pem ubuntu@instanceIP -D 9999
Open network settings in Chrome (or on mac open Network preferences)
Click advanced and change the SOCKS proxy and click Apply
Now you are browsing from Canada and you can visit and view the token information
Great post I gave you a follow !
Very useful for US guys. I assume you are investing in the ICO, what are you main reasons for doing so? I'm pretty sure i'm all in...
I am very bullish with Ethereum in general as well as promising ERC20 tokens. I personally think EOS has a very interesting token distribution model and would like to be an early adopter of it like I have with many other tokens during their ICO. I believe we are witnessing what will be referred to in history books later in regards to cryptocurrency
Yea, EOS is the only ICO I've really liked the sound of. Civic and Status require mass-adoption to get anywhere, it'll be like investing in another Facebook...
Great post! Easier way would be just getting one of those free VPN services, and use a server from a country outside United States!
Could also likely just use a free http proxy online. But this way ensures 100% there will be no tampering with your connection.
Small chances, but if someone is MITM between you and EOS website, they could change the contract address displayed