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RE: What does this mean?

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

EOS has always been a head-whirler for me. You read all these amazing stuffs about it, and then you read about how it's all just speculation.

I love their formula of distribution; I love their ambition; I love @dan. But sometimes they do things to your head. First why don't EOS have its own blockchain? Then apparently the EOS tokens are usesless!? Wtf!? How can something be useless and have value at the same time?

Now comes the part where when you finally get your token its fixed. And then its not fixed again and can be transferable once you have the vote from 15% of holders. Now comes another token that is not EOS but "blockchain tokens". And then comes @dan talking about building the new steemit on EOS--that doesn't even have its own blockchain--when, of which he's a part--promises not to buy any EOS.

So please, pardon me If i choose not to be a part of the EOS conversation.