
Lol, that must be some powerful stuff!! ;0)

Thought I could handle 43%, but I guess in combination with a cold it made me a bit delirious. ;-p

What ia this, what do you mean run facebook on its blockchain?

Although I really do believe EOS could handle that with ease. Now, the day after... I do not think Mark Zuckerberg ment that he wanted to go Free and Open Sourced with Facebook on the blockchain.

But it seems at FB they are considering a Cryptocurrency and decentralizing it all on a blockchain. Sounds a bit like what we already have. Good that Steem is the market leader in this technology.

Yet if mister Zuckerberg wanted to get some of that market and needed a system that could handle it, EOS would be it. Although I do expect Steem to develope into a multi-threading half a second blockchain.

Then FB users would move to Steem. Looks like centralized companies are becoming a thing from the past. (And I am sober now while typing this, although there is still noise inside my head caused by the common cold.)

hmm.. what on earth did you take Oaldamst

you know what
last night I was in the btc meet up
super fun
met several Steemians
mostly inactive
mostly investors
it's not going to be the last
and I made several recruits hehehe
but damn I cannot use the steeminvite pharesim made yet because Im PDing so am thinking about cancelling PDing but maybe not we shall see

het wordt gezellig
en ik heb iets van plan
nog niks over dat zeggen ik tweet je wel hehe
fijne zondag aan jullie daar!

Hahaha, it was very strong in percentage Ivy!
Yet, I mainly blame it on my cold, cotton in my brain, you know...

Great that you are recruiting too!
To people that want to get in on the Crypto thing and cannot because of huge demand I advice to go FOW {Fruit Of Work} mining on Steem. :-)

You can not use SteemInvite because of PDing? That seems a bit weird to me. Might it be because it is very busy right now? Steem just, 12 hours ago, was indirectly endorsed by mister John McAfee, promoting Bob's Repair ICO. They are going to build their application on... The Steem blockchain!


Het wordt zeker gezellig en behoorlijk drukker.

Ben benieuwd naar je plan, zal mijn TPB in de gaten houden.

Jullie ook een fijne zonnige zondag daar toegewenst!

#TGIF uh? ;-)

Absolutely! ;-)


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