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RE: Could EOS Become the Most Widely Distributed ICO Ever?

in #eos8 years ago (edited)

to get a

more optimistic view on EOS

please look what happens if you get to sleep for 10 years right now!

please note that is no financial advice and take it with a grain of salt regarding EOS and STEEM but generally i'm thinking we're just in the beginnings and also EOS will do fine in the next years ahead. I attended in the first public token sale before the listing on Bitfinex and cashed out because to have the chance to buying even more tokens later. But we should also look at the current bubble like environment the whole crypto market is in since the start of 2017 and what price spikes of Bitcoin are behind us, just remember from around $1,000 to $200 and now we were at $3,000 and staying there for two months now. The ICO frenzy is still running and many will fallen from simply attention arousing crowdsales to nothing and we'll see who is wearing the trousers after the current Tsunami or is it a sustainable sea level for the first time in history after the huge rise, i don't think so but maybe i'm wrong with my pessimistic view. But i see stormy waters ahead.

animation from

For the long term i'm very optimistic for all proven technologies which will find their niche and application. We need more than than one asset. It's also a question by which incentives current developments are driven and if the ideas of pioneers are respected by the current devs. Greed is not sustainable for the long term. But wether how many ICO's will fall to insignificance and what aged technologies will be substituted by it's followers it's a way up and forward without any doubt for me. If you look back in the ninetees with the rising internet we had this popular Netscape thing. Nobody could know that 10 years later nobody would speak about a Netscape because other technologies disrupted the scene and make it much more better for us.

Exciting times ahead steemit friends! But don't forget your life vests!


That's quite an optimistic view indeed! Upvoted for the fun.

Life vest strapped on and ready!

Thank you very much! I wish all a wonderful sunday and an ever-rising crypto sea level!