Welcome to another PixWeekly where you get your fix for all things pixEOS. The dev team is very busy programming more features into the pixEOS Paint game and the rest of the team is working hard on several initiatives including the upcoming My pixEOS Shop which is launching soon. We completed our first test order in the My pixEOS Shop and it will be open this week, so stay tuned! Additionally, the team is currently writing a detailed roadmap document which is also coming soon. Stay tuned for these upcoming new releases.
PixEOS Paint Stats

Play pixEOS Paint with mobile or desktop: https://paint.pixeos.art/#/
You can check out our volume, mining stage and total number of pixels painted directly in the paint game under the stats button. Also user and volume stats on dappradar: https://dappradar.com/eos/973/pixeos
Also check out our tutorials playlist on YouTube and subscribe to stay updated: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQ1ROPAvFKSq3nklPpha8qVmy-jMdE9v
PIXEOS token wallet growth chart, thanks to Corts for providing these:

Current mining stage and total pixels painted and EOS spent:
EOS Lynx Now Features PixEOS Paint Game

EOS Lynx mobile wallet is now fully integrated with pixEOS Paint and features it in the dApps section. EOS Lynx is one of the most user-friendly EOS wallets and allows you to create a new EOS account directly in app, by paying the .99 fee in the Apple Appstore or Google Playstore. This makes EOS account creation the easiest and most user-friendly out of all the wallets. Official EOS Lynx website: https://eoslynx.com/
PixEOS Paint Now in Bitpie Wallet and State of the Dapps
pixEOS is now in the Bitpie wallet, and we were also added in the global section of it, so check it out: https://bitpie.com/. Additionally, we now have a listing on State of the Dapps: https://www.stateofthedapps.com/dapps/pixeos-paint
DGoods Releases Tech Specs
As many of you know, pixEOS is integrating the dGoods standard when we release our NFT capabilities. We are a contributing core member of the development of the dGoods standand and our roadmap is tied to dGoods. We will release our NFTs after the DGoods open source software is completed. DGoods has just released its technical specs so if you're a developer, you're encouraged to give feedback on the code: https://dgoods.org.
PixEOS is Silver Sponsor of EOS Detroit Pitchfest
PixEOS is a co-sponsor the first-ever Pitchfest that will take place on Feb. 28, 2019 in Detroit. The Pitchfest included fintech and blockchain pitches from a number of startup companies, including EDNA, Totle, Priveos, Hydro, Urban Array and others. These startups will be competing in front of a panel of judges for a prize pool valued at over $30,000. Complete details here: https://www.benzinga.com/markets/cryptocurrency/19/02/13199986/detroit-blockchain-center-hosting-inaugural-blockchain-fintech
pixEOS Community Corner
3D pixEOS City
The pixEOS UI team has rendered the pixEOS Paint pixel canvas in 3D, which as you can see will pave the way to many cool implementations in the future.
The UI/UX team has been busy making "Find Voxie" games using the 3D image of the pixEOS Paint canvas. This 3D image has been named pixEOS City. In order to understand what's going on here, the team created a three dimensional image of the heat-mapped pixEOS Paint canvas. What this means is that all painted pixels are converted into buildings, and the pixels that have been painted over the most are the tallest buildings in the 3D image.
Check out these 3D images of pixEOS Paint canvas:

You can even go inside the center pixel (current price: 6053 EOS) in a three dimensional trip:

Check out the pixEOS City in this 3D interactive map: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/pixeos-city-1-6d0955e42bcb407ab1056522d2c2ff76
A "Find Voxie in pixEOS City" contest was held and Twitter user @CryptoMac5 has won 5000 PIXEOS tokens!
He revealed the tiny Voxie in his screenshot image.
Here's the game: https://wearecodex.com/pixeos/pixeoscity/
Follow the official pixEOS Twitter account for more games and contests: https://twitter.com/eos_pix
Korean Community Held pixEOS Meetup

The pixEOS business dev team in Korea held a pixEOS Meetup where the following topics were discussed: pixEOS philosophy, tutorial, background guide, drinking all night for friendship and the attendees were from EOS42 (Chintai), EOSIO Korean Community, KOREOS, Bancor, EOSBet, Atidium and Horus Pay. They brought up some good questions: is there a motivational way to get the most expensive pixels painted? How will the bright future of the project be delivered to ETH/BTC folks and the general public?
Deni is shown sporting his newly printed pixEOS t-shirt at the meetup.
Deni is also having an Easter Egg contest in the pixEOS Paint game so get all the details here in the Korean pixEOS Telegram channel: https://t.me/pixEOSKorea
Great job Deni, Leafcat and everyone who attended!
Do you want your pixEOS Paint drawing turned into Voxel Art?

Send a jpeg of your pixel art (must be from the pixEOS Paint game) plus your x & y coordinates to us @eos_pix on Twitter or in pixEOS Telegram, and our design team will choose the best one and create a voxel image of it.
Community Art
Falling Water's daughter created a giant pixEOS bunny:

Joe Chiappetta, who recently became a pixEOS Featured Artist, created this:

pixEOSrama Collaborative Canvas (Ongoing)
Calling all artists! pixEOSrama will be a giant collaborative canvas and you’re invited to participate! The canvas created by renowned artist Reinhard Schmid is 8000px by 4500px in size. pixEOS Featured Artists will kick off the canvas, submitting some of their art, and it will be finished by the community. Anyone is welcome to participate, even those who don’t consider themselves artists.
It’s easy to submit your art to this collaboration and you don’t have to be an artist in order to contribute; anyone can submit their art!
Our pixEOSrama collaborative painting is now open for art submissions. If you're just learning about pixEOSrama, check out the full guide that explains how to send us your art: https://steemit.com/pixeos/@pixeos/now-accepting-submissions-for-the-pixeosrama-canvas
TL;DR version: Send your .png images to [email protected]. Deadline is March 15, 2019.
This is not an exhaustive list of all the happenings in pixEOS. To get a complete list of all new developments, join the pixEOS Ann channel in Telegram: https://t.me/pixEOS.io
Stay Awesome,
pixEOS Team
pixEOS Paint Game: https://paint.pixeos.art/#/
pixEOS Official site: https://pixeos.io/
This was an amazing week!!!
Go pixEOS!!!
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yes! Thanks for all you do! :)