in #eos7 years ago (edited)


Over the past three weeks I have talked a lot about EOS, and the amazing run up that it has had. Well last night EOS set a new high.

Last night it broke back into the $9.00 area and stopped at $9.30


My prediction is big for 2018. I think it is very possible to see EOS in the $100.00 area. This is still a big time BUY in my opinion, I think this far from over.


Here is one you may want to check out, Po.et. over the past week POE has seen some amazing gains, once it broke into the .01 cent is has not fallen back below.


Anyways check out POE and give it a look. These are just my opinions, I am by far not a expert in this field, just lucky

follow me @raybrockman

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Hey Ray, you fucking expert!!!

I’m here to testify that because of @raybrockman i think i made 5 large lastnight alone! We are freaking killing it man!

-fyi. Order cancelled. All is good.-

It is only my 2 satoshi, but i would, scratch that, I DO, pay close attention to all that father Ray has to say.


👊😎👊, dude I think I am up like $1,300. hell for you stackers thats 90 oz in less than 10 days and climbing🚀🚀🚀


Yo Ray, Cardano is flying too...


Great post. Isn't nice to invest and get instant gratification? Thanks for pointing out POE, I put a few yards on it.

I think there will be some good things come out of POE. thanks for stopping by sir.


I've heard several of the Guru's calling it the ETH Killer! Who knows, but I AGREE!!! $100+++ in 2018 is Well within reach...

I have heard the same.. check Out Po.et (POE) this one may ne a sleeper....

Never heard of this POE you speak of... Definitely looking into it!THXS...

Do it now!

Yes Sir...lol

I first hear about PO.ED, what kind of crypto currency is it? In advance thanks for the answer. Good luck to you and good.

Its A ETH based token.

Got my buy order in for POE, actually, hoping for a slight dip, you'd think I learned my lesson about that already but alas...I'll be patient and hope I don't miss out.

I think POE is going to do some big things in the near future. So don't wait to long....

Looks like it's already started, I may have to send today's payouts off site to be able to grab a full 1000 coins. This damn crypto fever sure kicks in fast!

Moonah ha ha!!!

Good call! I have been trying to figure out how and where to but it. I will get it done today. I just run into problem because I run Linux. Searching again now. Thanks!

I had a really hard time getting POE also. Try Binance

Yeah, I just found this page that explains how to buy Eos using Binance. It is very well detailed and easy to follow for anyone else looking I haighly recomend that they go here.

A step by step guide on how to buy & store the Eos (EOS) cryptocurrency

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damn, good call on poet.. up 33% right now.. between that and eos you are on fire my friend.. i was actually gonna get in on this but my fricken internet is being shitty today and i havent made a binance account yet! this is what happens when i procrastinate on shit. lol.. anyhow, thanks for the heads up.... again.. :)

Nice call Raybrockman!

i see it is really only on binance? is that a good market? i have never used it before. it sucks i have to have so many exchanges to use these smaller coins :/

Binance is great, they've grown fast and are very responsive to customers needs and requests. Since I've joined I've seen constant improvement. I use only Bittrex, Binance and Cryptopia (for the really small caps).

great to know! thank you.. ive been looking for another exchange for small cap and didn't know which one to look at. guess ill try out this one. thanks for the info.

You did mention POE to me a while back and I've been watching it rise slowly. I did a bit of digging and it looks like it might have a bright future. It also has dome big name backers from right across the planet. I'm in for a few 1000 and and 0.017 per coin dropping $50 might seem a lot now, but it's going to at least double in value soon I'm sure of it. But don't listen to me.... What do I know I'm not a financial advisor

Smart move buddy,, trading a fifty for a hundred.... smart

wonderful post
i like your post,thanks for sharing
have a nice day

Nice Post Fri... 👍🏼

thanks a lot . thanks for share this valuable thing with us.

Looks good.

Cryptocurrencies are the future and thank goodness that we are part of it..good post

This is the first time I hear about PO.ET. I was thinking the same IP protection idea yesterday driv8ng home. Turns out someone has already built it. ETH based, seems legit idea.


Nice article on crypto.

Good prediction on crypto

Love Po.et project. Check out the evaluation I just wrote about them on my page!

It's very informative post thanks to share