I spent a good deal of time on Quirky.com in its first life as a crowd-sourced consumer product company. As time went on, people went from submitting napkin sketch ideas to beautiful drawings. And from beautiful drawings to excellent digital mock-ups.
The mock-ups soon became renders, and I was forced to take my game and incorporate that almost real feeling. The work I did can be seen here.
The work garnered views that former members of Quirky were asking me to make their renders for their product submissions. And now I get a product render request every once in a while.
I thought - since I just finished a job - I would use my knowledge of the chestahedron to see what the shape looks like with different material settings and colors.
Very nice result. I think you can get more with Blender 3D.
I think I like the shiny plastics.
Makes me think of emeralds from a game... a bit like zelda haha
Great renders @rubenalexander
this shape is like crystle shape and its look good in some beutifull colors @rubenalexander
beautiful art, upvote
What do you call this shape, it sort of looks like a obelisk, cheers
Upvote and follow. You can follow me back I posting about art, design development @valerykit
The EOS logo is probably something that can be made 3d in Paint 3D? I should give it a try some time.
This is very cool design!