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RE: Best Time to Buy EOS or Any New Cryptocurrency?

in #eos8 years ago (edited)

Keep writing these articles Jerry! They are full of useful information. I love Buffett's first rule of investing too. I know some people that just HAD to get in on the EOS ICO. They all lived in America. Some had people in other countries add their investment to their order. Other's used VPN's to get in.

I think that most of these ICO's are money grabs . . and the sheer number of them has drove the price of Ethereum up to ridiculous levels. I'm not mad though haha, I still hold Etheruem. But other platforms are starting to do their own ICO's on their platforms. Waves is a good example.

Your analogy of the dating scene is valid. The benefit comes from getting to know THE ONE woman who will be the best partner for you. Cultivate a relationship with her. It becomes just flat out too much to try to juggle multiple relationships. There came a time, for me, where it made sense to start settling down. I've done it with my girlfriend and now with crypto :) Likewise, it gets a bit crazy keeping up with coin after coin after coin . . it is much better to commit and research heavily, get actively involved in the coins community, etc . .

I cut down the number of large investments in crypto. I won't "marry" these coins or get emotionally attached to them. The only ones I have committed to are XBY, Stratis, and of course Steemit. I'm only actively involved in the Steeemit community. A month ago, I was really involved in XBY, and it was beginning to be too much. I decided that this platform was much better suited to my needs.

In a very real sense, it IS like gambling. Some of the ICO's aren't solving a problem. They are just capitalizing on investors to fund their projects. Some are solid, absolutely. But many times, investors just end up dumping the coins on the market once it's listed.

For example, SNT. I bought some SNT the same day it was listed on Bittrex. It was a mistake I won't do again. I bought at 2900 sats . . . who sold it to me? One of the investors in the ICO who was holding the coin. Since then, the price cam all the way down to under 2000 sats . . and is now finally having a breakout day.

This is a great post and has got me to think critically about a few things . . which is WHY I love this platform so much.


Thanks so much I have a better understanding now!