I have to admit that I´m a huge fan of EOS and believe that it´ll bring some huge changes to the world of Blockchain technology as well as Cryptocurrencies as soon as the software is released and skilled developers can start using it to get their own ideas and projects running.
That being said you may imagine that I´ve invested in the coin and I´m honest as I actually bought most of my holdings at a price of about $1.10 I had to account quite some losses until today but I´ve never sold any of them.
Sure it wasn´t a pleasure to see the value going down to $0.50 but whenever you believe in something, then it doesn´t matter how deep it goes but whether you keep holding onto it. Just like in a relationship there are bad times and good times but you won´t succeed in case you give up somewhere on the way...
In case I would have sold my EOS then I wouldn´t have got the chance to smile about its latest 25% price increase since yesterday. Whenever I saw that after I arrived in Kuala Lumpur it just made my day 😊 Yeah sure, I´m still in a loss but I´m in for the long run as it will moon sooner or later 😉
Are you as well invested into EOS?
If yes, in the long or short run?
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FRom monthly perspective it's just a lower high still.
Waiting for 0.1-0.2 USD range.
waiting for it to moon just like ethereum 😁
I'm also heavily invested into EOS above 1$. Even sold some BTC for it. But ok it's always a gamble and I prefer holding stuff I fully believe in !
In good as well as in bad times ;) EOS forever!
Excelsior :) !
That pump was nice! Glad I got in two weeks ago or whenever it was.
Yeah it's good to have it climb a bit. Was stuck in the low values for too long already. Good you got invested at that time ;)
Is there a great place to get the down-low on all things EOS?
Why is it better than Ether? Neo? Why do you think its gotten so much value invested in it this week?
EOS will be faster and more flexible. Pretty much the evolution from bitshares, which is already an amazing crypto ;)
Join the EOS Telegram chat room.
I'm Holding at $1.80 😂
Oh that hurts even more in the short run. But one day we´ll be (hopefully) laughing at those prices ;)
Yeah, just dipped my toe in so not worried, and yes, a bright future likely for EOS
The true believer that got in early :) Hold steady abh, I have a feeling good things come for those who wait..
Yep will do! 2020 anyone?!
Similar boat here. I bought into the crowdsale the first week at .88cents and watched it moon nearly to $5. I did not sell anything as I watched it fall all the way back down to .48 where I just bought again. Looking to buy more.
That's what I call a real believer!
That's good news, just bought some eos yesterday!
right on time bro!
Seems like you´ve got really lucky then buying at a low just before the spike :) Congrats ;)
Yes, usually I'm always a day or so late. Lucky and good timing I guess!!
I'd rather say that was probably almost the perfect timing :)
Until EOS is released I'm not going to invest in it.
Once it is released I'll be able to put a value of what I think it's worth that invest from that point.
Might just be too late by then. But take a look at Bitshares, same guy but few years back with less funds ;)
Yeah, I know, but past results aren't always an indication of future success ;). I have no doubts it's a great project just waiting to invest. It could always be my loss, but that's my plan and I'm ok with it!
Thanks, i just decided to buy some for your introduction!
Holding and going long on EOS. I would trust Dan with a mlillion and a hand shake.
I am indeed and very excited for its future
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