We can't verify that every single tool someone may use Scatter with is valid however, so for the "second safest voting method" compared to cleos we endorse the Greymass EOS Voter.Scatter allows transaction signing with any number of online tools, including our own: https://steemit.com/eos/@genereos/eos-toolkit-tutorial-more-features-than-ever
We can't verify that every single tool someone may use Scatter with is valid however, so for the "second safest voting method" compared to cleos we endorse the Greymass EOS Voter.Scatter allows transaction signing with any number of online tools, including our own: https://steemit.com/eos/@genereos/eos-toolkit-tutorial-more-features-than-ever
Thanks for the response. Good work guys. Yeah, good folks behind Gremass, no doubt.