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RE: How to register EOS tokens easily

in #eos7 years ago (edited)

This is yet another tutorial that blithely ignores the fact that anyone in the U.S, and anyone in China, cannot -- CANNOT -- use the website to register their ERC20 EOS tokens.

To clarify: If you are in the U.S. or China, the way to register your EOS tokens (or, one way that will work) is to go to this website:

(This is the so-called "third-party app" mentioned in the 2nd paragraph of the tutorial above.)

At this website you can generate the private and public key pair that you ABSOLUTELY NEED to be registered on and acknowledged by the genesis EOS blockchain when it goes live in early June 2018.

ALSO: Make sure you understand the distinction between REGISTERING your tokens and CLAIMING them.

You ONLY need to claim your tokens IF you got them through the crowdsale. And you cannot participate in that crowdsale if you are in the U.S. or China -- the website blocks you based on your IP location. (Unless you spoof your IP to appear as if you are outside of the U.S. or China.)

If you bought your EOS tokens ON ONE OF THE EXCHANGES (and this is almost certainly the way you got them if your are in the U.S. or China) you DO NOT NEED to "claim" your tokens, but you DO need to register them.

Again, as I stated above, go to the
website to register them.

After you register them, you can go here:

and enter your public ETH Address where you have your EOS tokens stored (you DID get them OUT OF an exchange didn't you? If not, get them out and put them in a cold-storage wallet like the Trezor or Nano Ledger -- exchanges get hacked and theived, remember?).

You can enter your public ETH address or your EOS Public Key (that you got at the nadejde registration site) -- either one will work.

(Do not -- ever -- enter any PRIVATE key address.)

What you get when you enter one of those two addresses is the USER NAME that you've been assigned which will be your user name when the EOS genesis block goes live in early June. You'll need that.

I don't know how many tutorials I've read now that just tell everyone to go to and click the "Get EOS" button or to take some other action on that site, without a full explanation of who can and who cannot do that.

For example the tutorial above states: "Please look at under the "How to Participate" heading.

There is no such ".../instructions" link and there is no heading that says "How to Participate." Maybe there was 6 months ago when the tutorial was written, but there isn't now.

I appreciate that folks take the time to write up tutorials. But almost every one of them that I've seen has been, frankly, half-assed, with missing steps that are crucial, or incomplete information of one sort or another.


The link to the register step above is the same as the create-keys step. I was able to do this pretty easily using MEW and the steps here (since I use MEW and not Exodus, skipping the part about exporting private key from Exodus to MEW):

You make some good points. At the time I wrote the tutorial it seemed pretty good! I'll update the post with your notes in mind. Thanks for filling in the gaps.

Hmm, it seems I can no longer edit this post! Too bad. I'd really like to update it.

The link for registering doesn't work


doesn't work. Please help to get the name. I have gotten the public and private keys from your register link.
Thank you.
KB The link: