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RE: How should one distribute a $1 trillion dollar treasure?

in #eos7 years ago

That's why you take that asteroid right down into the bottom of the ocean and break off enough for an oil rig that covers that hunk of space metal. Or you land it and declare it a sovereign nation and have roughly the GDP of Goldistan. Or turn it over to the Aliens so they can use it to strip the gold into lead in micronuclear reactions that will power you to the past or future where you could bet on every World Series game since idk. What I would do is take a huge amount, mint them into coinage and pay mercenaries to assemble an Army and then take over the world. Crush every government and impose peace on earth. And we would eat gold flakes cake for dessert. Make a bunch of golden bullets and cases too and a fair amount of gold 300 Blackout M4's and AR-10's.