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RE: How should one distribute a $1 trillion dollar treasure?

in #eos7 years ago

Praise KEK. I posted here because that's how we roll now. I think this is a great way to ask a question with the same logic so it will yield the same process and eventual, possible, perfect answer. So a guy lands on say how much gold, a trillion USD? Ok. Ok so the rough global estimate is that the world now contains roughly $7.3 trillion USD in Gold now so $1T would mean he had about 13.7% of all the Gold in the world. This would mean that supply and demand would drive prices down, if released all at once. People who had the money would buy more of it if it was a lower price. Gold is gone. What if the supply at $7.3T is inadequate for demand however? Than the price could go up as people tried to buy the remaining Gold but this could not be possible. That is because right now you can buy Gold at ~$1,250/oz. Someone would have to put in a Buy to get it and then they get it so it's just a matter of how much of one form of money into another they want to get. Gold prices are already set but roughly to supply and demand. Since we don't have a gold standard now than we don't really need one. Increasing the supply would not create a need to change international standards. The question I guess is what to do if you are the man. The man is only one man. Gold is very valuable, because of supply and demand. He should logically sell the gold for as much as he can without disturbing the supply and demand for the metal unless it results in higher demand. How do you increase demand? For a commodity and precious metal it is increasing its value over other stores of value. At 13.7% he would not affect supply a lot and demand would be roughly the same. So if I were him I would open a jewelry business and use the gold to start the company, pay his workers in gold and get paid in USD. Buy land and assets and continue to sell gold. Sell it in medium amounts and small amounts. Never sell more than 50% of it however. I think a perfect curve is a split between assets (land/homes/patents/IT/cars/etc.), liquid assets (USD$, BTC, STEEM, $ with the banksters) and harder assets like (precious metals like Silver and...wait for it...Gold, bonds and stocks in a 1:3. I would not attempt to disrupt the price whatsoever. It is already high and a trillion bucks is a trillion bucks so long as you can turn a trillion dollars worth of something into a trillion dollars in your hand. But that never happens. He would not live long enough.


Imagine you owned all the sand in the oceans. You want to diversify. At what price do you sell it?
By the way, Satoshi will never sell or even move a fraction of one Bitcoin. If he does, every criminal in the world will instantly know who he is. That's not like winning the lottery where they protect your identity.