How to Claim your eosDAC

in #eosdac7 years ago

On April 15, at 01.00 UTC, the eosDAC team took a snapshot of the Ethereum blockchain. Based on that snapshot they will automatically airdrop their tokens in each address that held at least 100 EOS tokens at that time.

For those who had less that 100, you can use the manual process bellow:

Paste your public ETH address in there to claim


As per the eosDAC telegram group: airdropping the tokens from smallest to largest balance, starting with balances higher than 100 EOS.

1:) MyetherWallet will support. Use the drop down tab once logged in.
2:) Jaxx should support but no official integration yet. But you can export your keys.
3:) Exodus has come out and said the following:

"If you had your EOS in Exodus at the time of the snapshot, you will receive the eosDAC tokens in your ETH address (either automatically or after a manual request). And these tokens will be stored safely in your Exodus wallet. However, as with any other unsupported ERC20 token, you won't be able to see or manage them. In order to do that you'll need to export your ETH Private Key and import it in a wallet like MyEtherWallet, as described here: "

For more help on this, please visit the crib:


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