Another CEO, (Steve Ballmer) was reported as having made similarly enthusiastic and unfortunate saber-rattling statments about the security of Windows XP prior to it's release. That went well.
Underestimating competition is just as bad as overestimating your product. Worse yet- thinking you're above competition created by the same person who helped create - the Steem platform- in the current crypto environment is a great way to have memes made about you.
Reading through all the comments I come away with three main impressions: Fear, Confusion, Defiance. Unfortunate to see since the Author of this tidy little piece wrote it in such a pragmatic fashion. Steem has nothing to fear from EOS, much like Bitcoin has nothing to fear from Ethereum... until it does. But I remember the same blanket statements were made about Eth before it's launch as well. "Vaporware" "Sure to disappoint" "Just another alt" ... which is only true until it isn't and the fact remains, no one sees the bus that hits them. Thanks for instigating my first Steem post. Cheers.
[disclosure: invested in both EOS and STEEM]
Glibly shading and suggesting pragmatic analysis while you bring none to the table and ignore pages of analysis.
You're doing great as a CEO. Keep it up.
The creator /Ceo is so handsome though
Hello ned . By making it easy to blog on steemit will make this platform grow is still hard to write or upload anything on steemit . It should be so easy that an ordinary human being should be able to us it lke facebook. If that happens steemit will be huge huge and beyond your expectations.