Interesting features of nature.

in #erosion7 years ago

In environment where real nature still exists signifies the beauty of the world. To retain the natural environment certain things needs to be observed.

  1. Avoid erosion: erosion is environmental factor that dentures the beauty of the environment either through rainfall or the movement of the wind or air in action.
  2. Deforestation: the removal of trees and other forms of growth causes the losing of the soil there therefore can be washed away either by wind or the rainfall. Or even though the other forms of denunciation.
  3. Hunting also contributes to erosion. When there no or little wild life in the forest, the application of mature to the vegetation is decreased and some plants dies due to lack of manure leaving space for erosion to occur.

Forestation can enhance or prevent the occurrence of erosion.
Also adequate rainfall help to maintain the growth of vegetations against the erosion to occur. Please read and assimilate.20170528_155046.jpg