While I was growing up I was taught that the rapture of the church would take place before the great tribulation starts. Now I not only see tht notion is wrong, but I think that a "pre-trib" rapture viewpoint runs oppsite of what the Bible teaches (Rev. 12-13) actually those two chapters address 90% of what is being discussed. But would like to point out another scripture Zechariah 12:3
And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it. So I think that Amercia will not be able to lift her head to help Israel. Which in my understanding connects with your desire for emp (electrical magnetic pulse) resistant hardware. However a platform of that size would be considered as a market and the Bible does say that unless you have the mark of the best you will be excluded from legitamit markets. I enjoyed your article!
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