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RE: Bloodlines Of The Serpent Gods Part 2: Hidden Royalty & The Desecration Of The Kingdom Within

in #esoteric6 years ago

The awakening is happening all around the world. You are awakened. Thank you for sharing the real truth. Everything true true true.
Consciousness is the only human weapon which other dark forces fear. Keep it safe and smile often. nothing can touch you.

p.s do check out The Hidden History of the Khazarian Empire - ROBERT SEPEHR on YT. probably you would know that already. Shame the sheep masses have no idea whats going on. I am proud of you for taking steps for us humans to open our eyes our minds our ears and so forth. This is humanity and i love you for this. Namaste@perceptualflaws bravo. well written our true history. We all were taught lies from school till now.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and leave our kind words.

The awakening is happening all around the world.

Yes I agree, I've spent the summer chatting with a diverse array of people and there seems to be something in the air, a perceptual shift .. by no means the majority but many are beginning to question that which has never been questioned.

I haven't heard of "Khazarian Empire - ROBERT SEPEHR" but I will be sure to take a look .. thanks.

I sometimes wonder if this age of propaganda will eventually reawaken our powers of discernment, if an idea/truth has a validity, we will become increasingly attuned to its resonance. Then we move towards a 100th monkey scenario where once it reaches a certain threshold it becomes known amongst unconnected people the world over.

No problem, I've been researching, contemplating, meditating and procrastinating :) over this stuff for years so it's great to be writing about it and adding my perspective to a growing array of interest/research. Thanks again@banditqueen