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RE: Consciousness Rising Part 2: Surfing The Frequency Waves Of A Holographic Reality

in #esoteric6 years ago

Another beautiful mind blowing post!

Dome – This aspect was quite interesting to think about! The possibility that the dome is the concentric culmination of magnetic energy and vibration made me think about the human skull. It is not perfectly dome shaped but at its peak, the culminating connection between the sutures it is an off-shaped dome. It perhaps either hones down the energy coming from without or hones down the energy that we project. I find it interesting that the human skull is shaped in this manner, to perhaps unknowingly focus the energies into such an important aspect of our bodies.

The love and hate vibration section – I read somewhere that somebody did an experiment with two plants in a separate part of their house with equal environmental conditions; they expressed love and compassion to one plant through words and feelings and the plant thrived while the other plant they exuded hate and malice through words and thoughts and the plant shriveled and died. It speaks volumes about the vibrational natures of our words and thoughts and how they affect the world around us. I tried searching the net for it and there was the Ikea experiment which is perhaps similar but I am referring to the original, I just don’t know when or who did it.

The synchronicity of déjà vu is incredible to think of; we all have those moments of déjà vu and for me at least it is a wonderful feeling albeit a little confusing. To think of it as a synchronicity that we weren’t consciously expecting is an interesting way to put it, thanks! I think that is a good way to describe it.

The cell fractal thought is profound and fun to think about; what are the exponential increases of the cellular nature of our reality? Could it be similar to the possibility introduced in the Men in Black movie where our universe is a marble which is held by a being on a necklace or played in a game of marbles? Quite an interesting thought.

The Bohm and Aspect part was intriguing. I had heard of the Aspect part but very diluted through different avenues, not knowing the original source. I liked that the discovery was found and not able to be explained as easily; it points to something I mentioned the other day to someone else that sure science knows things but there is still so much that it doesn’t know that it dismisses because of this lack of knowing. So many scientists are afraid to just simply say “we saw this but we have no idea what it is or why it is.” Many will not grow because of that lack of ability to admit to such a thing. I think that there truly is an infinity of development we just have not been able to achieve yet. It is perfectly fine and acceptable we haven’t achieved it too! Some would say that it is ridiculous and we are at the peak of our innovation; I say we are not, we still have so much to learn and innovate and it is foolish to think that we are so highly developed.

I agree that the nature of consciousness is lost on the top academics. They rely too heavily on the formulas and calculations you mentioned and lack the understanding. I think that this is what separates the people like Newton and Einstein from others; they saw the macro and were able to develop their own versions of this and then explain it down into things like calculations and theories. Too many rely on looking back at their works and modifying calculations and formulas without the ability to think about their own and follow that thought.

The implications of the transhumanism, human 2.0 are chilling. They make it sound like doing things like thinking for ourselves and not relying on computers or connecting ourselves to “the grid” are bad. I think that it is absolutely an insidious agenda that is borne out of the military. This attempt to disconnect us from things that make us human are a bad path to approach, but so many think heading that way is a good idea.

As always, appreciate the writing you do and the intellectual stimulation you provide!


Hey my friend, thank you for stopping by, in terms of the dome I'm glad you picked up on that aspect. Equally how about the brain ... the left/right brain hemispheres? Remember in a previous post where I stated:

We could think of the brain as a vortex of energy, opposing polarities encapsulating our physical manifestation of mind. Streaming between two hemispheres and through the pineal gland, a pineal gland that within a fractal understanding of reality follows a perfect golden ratio/fibonacci pattern. The pituitary & the pineal work together to create the third eye; one negative charge & one positive (male & female) working together to create a cohesive whole, this is the true nature of duality.

From my perspective, magnetism could have been a component behind the construct of the brains hemispheres and these hemispheres directly influence different aspects of self. I was going to add that, so thank you for reminding me :)

The love and hate vibration section – I read somewhere that somebody did an experiment with two plants in a separate part of their house with equal environmental conditions; they expressed love and compassion to one plant through words and feelings and the plant thrived while the other plant they exuded hate and malice through words and thoughts and the plant shriveled and died.

Yes that is very true, the experiment was carried out at a school and both plants were sealed in a glass container .. children were asked to bully one and be nice to the other. There was a similar experiment carried out by a Japanese scientist and focused upon the molecular structure of water, like this post alludes to I very much believe that our intent and emotional resonances have a profound impact upon our physical reality. In terms of admitting what they "don't know" I think this problem plagues our society, but if everyone s right then who is wrong? Equally, you often learn more from your mistakes than your triumphs.

Personally, I'm consistently re-evaluating, refining .. removing aspects and drawing other ideas into the narrative, that's why I like writing ideas down .. some stick and then I can complexify them .. whilst others can fall by the wayside ... I'm not a fan of dogma lol

The godfathers of science including Sir Isaac Newtons classical mechanics,Nikola Tesla, the nobel prize winning godfathers of quantum mechanics (Niels Bohr & Erwin Schrodinger), the father of quantum theory (Werner Heisenberg) and the creator of the atomic bomb (Robert Oppenheimer) .. all directly attribute their research to ancient esoteric wisdom and the Sanskrit and Vedic texts. Upon observing the first atomic test Oppenheimer instantly quoted Bhagavad-Gita chapter 11 text 32 “now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds" So yes you see .. although many are dismissive of these ideas, they have a deep and rich pedigree, and I have done my homework ;)

I have added a transhumanism post I wrote last year .. see what you think. Thanks again my friend, your support is appreciated.